“Laws and guns is not enough ICE”

“That the jihadists are losing on the battlefield does not mean automatically that their ideas will lose their appeal.”

“Aftonbladet’s leader board is the independent social democrat.”

“In August, it will be prohibited to participate in, or have dealings with terrorist organisations. The one that connects to or helps terrorist groups as the kurdish PKK, or the palestinian Hamas to be able to be sentenced to a maximum six years in prison.”

“the Legislation is interpreted as a slightly senfärdig reaction that swedes have travelled to Syria and Iraq to participate in the terrorsekten the Islamic state’s bloody attempt to establish a state of their own. According to the Swedish security service has about 300 Swedish citizens traveled since 2012. Half have returned. Fifty are dead. A hundred is left in the Middle east.”

“Laws of this type exist in several european countries a couple of years ago. In Norway, a dozen jihadists convicted and in the belgian terrorrättegångar is the most common classification of the crime of association with terrorist groups.”

“Not a meaningless act.”

“But since the Islamic state’s last stronghold – Baghouz in Syria – soon fall, and the states governed by law, which Sweden does not have retroactive legislation, we expect many to most of the ICE-swedes will go free. People who are guilty of murder, torture and rape will, of course, to be judged, if it is possible to prove.”

“Yet the new law is not meaningless.”

“Even if the ICE is described as the military defeated the occur-rather than as a guerrilla group in the day. Recently, it has managed to carry out suicide attacks in Syria kurdkontrollerade parts and many ICE-warriors who are left in the Middle east have managed to connect themselves to other groups. The vast majority of ICE attacks, takes place today in countries such as the Philippines, Cameroon, Nigeria, and Libya.”

“In Gothenburg – which is the largest Swedish producer of ICE-travellers – the municipality may still amounts of calls from people who feel the concern that young people are radicalized. That IS lose on the battlefield does not mean automatically that their ideas will lose their appeal.”

“It has been important to the military, depriving the IS the territory they controlled, and which made it possible for them to train and export terrorists. It has been important to laws forbidding terrorresor and funding. But it is equally important to prevent the jihad had the state of mind space here at home. Experience shows how important it is to mobilize all the forces of good citizens, public authorities, communities, the voluntary sector – in the fight.”

“this is Where Sweden has still a lot to do.”