our skin to freeze in temperatures in the minus range. Coldcreams, you can protect. A Dermatologist has tested nine products.

Katja Dreißigacker

In case of minus degrees in Winter, the body needs protection. For the feet there is nothing Better than hand-knitted wool socks, insulated Jackets, envelopes us in a cushion of warmth and Coldcreams let the Wind and frosty temperatures, the skin will bounce off. Who is outside a lot, on days like skiing or walks in the power, knows how important skin protection is.

The POI Tests at a Glance

These, and all other SZ-product tests here.

When it is cold, the blood does not constrict the vessels, so that the deeper layers of the skin to lose heat. The oxygen takes care of the surface and the barrier function is weakened, what are the skin more sensitive to power stimuli to the Environment, such as UV-light, exhaust, and a cold Wind. In addition, the sebaceous a glands from eight degrees Celsius, the fat production almost completely. As a result, the hydro-lipid film, of the body’s own Mix from moisture and fats that can get out of balance. And the fat, the skin is less able to retain moisture. The result is that you dry out.

anyone Who has oily skin, suffers the least from the winter combination of Frost, and dry heated air. All others need special care when they are no longer exposed to the cold. Coldcreams were developed exactly for this purpose, protect with natural fats such as beeswax or olive oil. Important: In heated rooms, the Coldcream, wash. Under the protective film, the skin may sweat and redness or itching respond.