“Learning from Norway – “our Swedish homelessness”
“Debater: Shelters and soup kitchens increases and preserves homelessness”
“This is an opinion piece. It is the writer who stands for the views that are put forward in the text, not Against.”
“the DEBATE. For the christmas season to the attention of homelessness in the media. Journalists are asking why the politicians do not give more money to ngos and their masslogement. It is the 1800-century methods that lead to homelessness on the increase, seem to lack significance.”
“Homelessness in Sweden has almost quadrupled over the past three decades. From 10 000 to almost 40 000 today. In Umeå, it is a doubling. The figures take should be taken with a grain of salt, but is still alarming.”
“When homelessness was at its lowest, I investigated it on behalf of the LO and socio-medical Department at Karolinska.nÖver half of the homeless in Stockholm were then to psychiatric patients who would care for their psychosis, and another out on the street, there is no indication that the numbers changed nämnvärts.”
“It was sickening to visit the ngo overcrowded and unworthy masslogement, often populated by sick and funded skattevägen.”
“Research and homeless stories already showed then that the shortage of housing in combination with Sweden started the dismantling of the welfare state were the main reasons for the increasing homelessness.”
“a few years ago I visited Oslo, where homelessness has been halved from 2 500 to 1 200 over a ten year period. In Norway conducted a psykiatrireform similar to the Swedish.nSkillnaden is that in Norway, where there are half as many, betting four times more money to those who no longer locked into a mental hospital to get good life out in society.”
“Oslo’s homeless a better life came through courageous political decisions. Society providing homes with heart and humanism all over the city. No oslobor protested with lists of the names when homeless people moved into their own blocks.”
“Then it went to change and begin to cooperate around the individual, it was phenomenal”
“the salvation army ran a private gatuhospital in the heart of Oslo, funded by the ministry of social Affairs. There were homeless people, when the asylum’s care is not enough, also a cream to the best care Norway could offer, including dental care.”
“Where was the knowledge of how to evict a family with children costs eur 400 000, it takes three years before everything is clear. By acting early, reducing the cost to 30 000 euros.”
“Gatuhospitalet in Oslo obeyed not in a county or municipality. It gave freedom to its brave doctors and nurses to deal with society’s different authorities, when they, year after year, the betrayal of the homeless. “
“the Doctors were also their lawyers, and called for different actors in society to a joint meeting, rather than that they would continue with ansvarsflykten. Then it went to change and begin to cooperate around the individual, it was phenomenal in an industry without righteousness.”
“Closer to a half a billion of spins every year on the way around the in-direct costs only Stockholm”
“the Doctors did not feel that they used any system, it was only the bureaucracy who felt such a thing, but then it was the power that spoke.”
“After the visit in Oslo, it was impossible to avoid a comparison with Stockholm. Ersta Sköndal university College and other research on homelessness found that the system error in Sweden must be made visible. When the method with shelters and soup kitchens, which has been used for over 100 years, increase and conserve the homelessness you have to think about.”
“Closer to a half a billion of spins every year on the way around the in-direct costs only Stockholm. The public sector expects the shelters, operated by non-profit organizations, and is used as städgummor. All are included in the same inefficient system. There is a lack of political will on higher level.”
“During all the decades I followed homelessness is Solar power in Skellefteå, one of the few places that stands out. It brings together the society’s various authorities in the years after around the individual people in a similar way as in Oslo. “
“But meddlesome decision on riksdagsnivå throws increasingly spanner in the works for them, when some politicians do not see the consequences of besparingsivern.”
“nLeif Stenberg, a journalist with the social policy orientation”
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