Left-wing parties and the SD in the crusade against smoking

Debater: the People themselves must decide their habits and habits

This is an opinion piece. It is the writer who stands for the views that are put forward in the text, not the newspaper Aftonbladet.

DEBATE. Sweden likely to become the only european country where there is a complete ban on smoking in outdoor cafes. Tomorrow Wednesday expected the social democrats, the Greens, the Left party, with the support of The sweden democrats vote yes to the part of the new law on tobacco and similar products which prohibits smoking in outdoor cafes. It is a heavy trampling of policy powers.

There is no from a health perspective encourages smoking. This is a great effort from the society to limit the same.

Sweden also has – by far – the least percentage of smokers in the EU. According to Folkhälsomyndigheten it is only 9 per cent of swedes who smoke on a daily basis. This can be compared with other EU countries where it varies between just over 15 per cent to 40 per cent.

we see this also now taking shape at our Swedish outdoor cafes. More people are choosing to have non-smoking – either entirely or in certain areas. The market has already started to cater to the resulting demand for non-smoking environments.\nPrecis that today should each holder of an outdoor dining area to determine if there should be a ban on smoking in all or parts of the outdoor area. People can then vote with their feet and actively choose, or opt out of the outdoor cafes if they are smoking or not.

The social democrats have little respect for the freedom of the individual and the trader’s autonomy is in itself nothing new. The aim is, according to Annika Strandhäll (S) to ”avnormalisera” smoking.

Therefore, even the electronic cigarettes – which, according to current research, neither contributing to passive smoking, or the damage to health cannot be compared with regular cigarettes – banned. The aim is to shape people to live their lives according to the state standards.

water pipes also contributes to a poor standard and will be removed from our streets

It is all the more tragic that a majority in the parliament share the view. It is with the support of the socialkonservativa The sweden democrats, which now voted through.

the social democrats do not draw the line at tobacco smoke – or when the electronic cigarettes. Water pipes also contributes to a poor standard and will be removed from our streets.

this kind of förbudspolitik we need to collectively turn against us. People must be free to decide over their habits and habits.

We have the right to eat at McDonalds, and drink a glass of wine more than what would be optimal from a health perspective. It may seem commendable that the policy say they want people well and with policy instruments to control people’s choices and behaviour.

However, it is a great disappointment to the parties of the Left and The sweden democrats joined forces in their crusade against smoking

Passive smoking can could not reasonably justify a total ban. What is the next step? To prohibit the outdoor cafes along the streets of our cities? On the local square or at the bus stops, where the buses are and releases out the exhaust?\nPolitiken can and should not be citizens’, the guardian, and it is pleasing to the bourgeois parties do not stand behind the ban. However, it is a great disappointment to the parties of the Left and The sweden democrats joined forces in their crusade against smoking.

What Sweden needs is not more paternalism but more freedom to the individual on the policy’s expense.

\nJohn Weinerhall, 2:e vice president of the Moderate Youth league

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