In Brofjorden, north of Lysekil slip ships past the beautiful smooth rocks, add in the port and emptied. Crude oil, tonnes after tonnes is pumped into Preem’s major refinery, and becomes just the propellant, in principle, all agree on the need to disappear. Quickly, they must away. A conversion which never before has been seen is what is required.

So, Preem decided to build out. 15 billion to the cost. Then even more oil to be received, converted and sent on to fired up and let out the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Direct emissions to be doubled from the current level. Extensive Refining to become the largest emitter of greenhouse gases.

just an hour with the petrol car to the border with Norway. Where forged there are also grand plans for a fossil future: The oil field Johan Sverdrup appeared in the summer, more gas and oil than previously known.

– It will produce in 50 years, declared former oil and energy minister Terje Søviknes in an interview with Swedish radio.

Another 50 years of Norwegian oil. 15 billion invested sek to be earned again. No quick conversion, but more of the same thing. If the world is to do away with fossil fuels so forgot to tell it to the Norwegian oljeministrar and other fossilbaroner.

signals. Solar energy is being built out and will be cheaper, even if the proportion is vanishingly small. In Sweden produced an impressive proportion of the electricity is zero carbon. Suddenly, no one can car manufacturers be left without a elbilsprogram without seeming a bit numb. But the climate is not affected by how much fossil-fuel-free technology is added, only of how much fossil fuels are removed. As someone said: the climate Debate sounds like someone trying to lose weight by drinking more and more diet sodas to their burger.

There is no the scenario that the climate is going in the right direction at the same time as Preem get again their money, and Norway pulls out the 900 billion Norwegian crowns as the Johan Sverdrup field is expected to provide. It is either or. The oil, coal and gas need to remain in the soil. In the end, playing nothing else matter.

A common hope is that the technology development to push the price of alternative energy until it is not worth to deal with fossil fuels. The Norwegian government know of course this. Therefore, it emphasizes how cheap the new oil will take up, so the profitability remains even if the oil price plummets or other forms of energy become more competitive. Senior managers know it, too. Nevertheless, they are prepared to bet billions on that we will run on about as usual. That all the talk about conversion, most are for the sake of appearances – a plan we lajvar that we mean business, when nothing really indicates a reversal. I’m not saying that it is so, but we seem to be in any case not to have sent another signal to the fossilindustrin.

“If we do not do it so will someone else to do it,” says Preemraffs ceo Peter Abrahamsson to SVT in a resigned death dance for the climate.

Maybe the filmtillverkande Kodak, who saw the fotograferingens digitisation to get but not managed to adapt. The movement to remove investments from the fossilindustrins companies have already moved large sums of money to the less apocalyptic-minded industries. Shell has flagged that it may be a real problem.

Either so see through fossilbaronerna the world scam, or they do not know what they do when they balls up their billions. All we can hope for is the latter, that they are heading straight into a dead end, that they do bad business and appears to be historical losers.