MejlaJonna Sima+ FÖLJÅSIKTLyssna at Greta – or else they will die viKlimatet can be the key to regeringsfrågan Aftonbladet leader board independent social democratic.Photo: Hanna FranzÈn/TT / TT NYHETSBYRÅNGreta Tunberg has spoken to world leaders at the climate summit in the Polish Katowice.LEADERS

children and drunks you get to hear the truth, they say. Rarely has that adage been sued more than at Greta Thunberg. Femtonåringen from Stockholm has lifted the climate issues of relevance not only here in Sweden but indeed in large parts of the world.

Her message is crystal clear: Rich countries like Sweden must reduce its emissions by at least 15 per cent every year to reach the two-degree target.

But is Greta Thunberg for the sake of it is Jesus’s successor?

Gretas decision to sittstrejka outside parliament every Friday since school began in August has spread and aroused strong emotions even in Australia’s parliaments.

It is a truly remarkable achievement.
But is Greta Thunberg for the sake of it is Jesus’s successor?

The tweeted Limhamns church for fun in the weekend. The scanian church has promoted itself on Twitter with his humorous tone, and the humanities, basic premise. But when they with a clear twinkle in the eye wrote: “Jesus of Nazareth has now appointed one of his successors, namely Greta Thunberg.” chose some, of course, to interpret it as inappropriate, not to say blasphemous.

Worrying humorkris

the World has apparently not only problems with an accelerating climate crisis but also a lack of sense of humor that feels almost as alarming.

Greta Thunberg has said that she will continue to sit outside parliament every Friday until the Swedish climate policy is in line with the Parisavtalets two-degree target. And it is precisely that agreement that 30 000 participants from 200 countries of the world meet at the un climate summit in the Polish Katowice, which began at the weekend.

the Transition has been too slow since the paris agreement was concluded in 2015. It continues in the same tempo, we run the risk that the average temperature on earth is rising with the whole, and 3.2 degrees by the year 2100, according to the scientists, and the UN climate panel, the IPCC. The consequences will be disastrous, with increasing extreme weather and the movement of refugees as a result.
In this situation, would the Conservatives abolish the flygskatten.

”World leaders are behaving like children,” said Greta Thunberg aptly yesterday in his speech on the spot in Katowice.

Two weeks in the future, it is the leader’s job to negotiate how Parismålen shall be fulfilled on the concrete. Voluntary commitments must be replaced with binding promises, above all, from the biggest emitters China and the united states.

As smoking five cigarettes a day.

now go to the climate summit in Katowice, a town in Poland “kolbälte”. To breathe in Katowice is like smoking more than five cigarettes per day.
But for the poles are the coals something more than just a source of energy – it is a national symbol.

the Coal industry is an illustrative example of klimatkrisens solutions must have a clear jämlikhetsperspektiv. It is not possible to lay down coal mines without miners and the Polish energy consumers sensible options.

Paris is burning, but basically it is because of growing inequalities and not for fossil fuels in and of itself.

It is only to look at France and the movement “The yellow vests”.

In the weekend they protested in the arc de triomphe in Paris, and set fire to cars and smashed shop windows. Avenue des Champs-Élysées filled with tear gas. The French government has raised the prices of petrol and diesel and got the farmers and undertake to ensure to be to escape the cursed.

Paris is burning, but basically it is because of growing inequalities and not for fossil fuels in and of itself.

Can pick the lock in the regeringsfrågan

the Market will not solve the problems for us, it requires global solidarity and that we rich countries to reach zero emissions, but also to create social unrest.
Here at home, should climate change be the key that worships the lock between Stefan Löfven, Annie Lööf and Jan Björklund. But the party will never push for a green conversion.

Now, the left and the political center their big chance to launch a radical plan for Sweden is to reach the climate goals to 2030, as parliament hammered through last summer.

this, However, requires of course that they stop to behave like children.