“LO, do not intend to remain silent if the government fails”

“the Deterioration of security makes Sweden worse”

“Aftonbladet’s leader board is the independent social democrat.”

“Norrtullstorget in Lindesberg is försommargrönt in the day. Among the perhaps 60 participants between the entrance to the ICA Supermarket and klädbutiken Look-In, it is enough many of which have never previously heard of Torbjörn Johansson.”

“Now he talks about that Sweden is a society with growing divisions based on class.”

” is foiled wrong, but not everything can be blamed on the bourgeois.”

“this Year förstamajtalare in bergslagskommunen is hardly a superstar. Yet the man in the pulpit, the one who can save the Annie Lööf, Jonas Sjöstedt, and – perhaps above all – Stefan Löfven.”

“It’s not a mission, he has been asking for.”

“Torbjörn Johansson is a uk government minister defends on the LO. The last few weeks he has been in the political action in a new way.”

“In the last week appointed to the government an investigation with the assignment to propose dramatic changes in employment protection. The exceptions to turordningsreglerna shall be considerably more and it’ll be cheaper to give people fired.”

“Before next summer’s must all be ready and as soon as the formalities are completed, it is intended that the government shall deliver a bill to the riksdag.”

“Löfven sits in a leghold trap.”

“Stefan Löfven and Ylva Johansson is sitting in a leghold trap.non one side is the promise to centerpartister and liberals. The agreement’s wording is intentionally precise, with clear timelines and everything. It will not go to shirk.”

“On the other is the reality and the indignation of the own movement. LO president Karl-Petter Thorwaldsson demanded that the investigation would be thrown in the trash even before it has been presented and the chairman of the largest LO-alliance Municipal, Tobias Baudin, talked about moving to Sweden 50 years back in time.”

“in Addition, as the said Jonas Sjöstedt, promised that the Party will ask the government to face a vote of censure if the proposals lands on the parliamentary table.”

“however, There is a gap, and it is here Torbjörn Johansson comes in. If the social partners, i.e. unions and employers, will find a own solution can Ylva Johansson forget all the difficult and painful. Then it is the parties ‘ solution, which has precedence.”

“In that case would also Jonas Sjöstedt, not to be called on its promise of censure, and Centerpartisterna avoid responsibility for having driven anything, nor the directors of the confederation of Swedish Enterprise would like.”

“the Dilemma is just to Januariavtalet – not only the settlement of job security – has made the job even more difficult for unions and employers. A solution would be a högoddsare according to Torbjörn Johansson himself.”

“– this compromise has enhanced Sweden’s problems, ” he says about the government’s settlement with the rodney king during an arrest.”

“In Lindesberg can LO:a uk government minister defends’t promise that he’ll be able to save the socialist ministers. However, he promises that he’ll do anything to protect the associations members. LO will not be silent.”

“– Need it bråkas on the government, we will fight.”