Löfven needs the left’s votes

the Party is facing a historic crossroads

Aftonbladet leader board is independent socialist.

Right now everything falls to political light on the Liberals and the Centre party. It is not so strange. Rodney king during an arrest to determine if Sweden is to have a government in the next week.

at the same time, this autumn’s election results, the fateful choices, for more, for example, Jonas Sjöstedt and the Left party. And vänsterpartisternas votes needed actually Leaves to be able to be elected prime minister.

don’t Miss the opportunity

Annie Lööf and Jan Björklund has not missed an opportunity to describe the Party which is more or less to the same extreme as The sweden democrats. It is so clearly nonsense.

Not just because of party loyalty with the – no longer – actually existing socialism came to an end a long time ago. The main reason to see the Left party as a party among others, is that over the past 25 years – it is well about as long as any of the party leaders been able to read – built a culture of practical political influence in order to improve the quality of life for people.

To get there has not been an easy one or two branches of the travel. In comparison with proud slogans and big words can robust political responsibility feel drab and a bit boring. Yet thus has the Party taken the plunge and become a force to reckon with in the concrete social issues.

in The last four years it has been so good that many of the decisions the socialist ministers boasted of actually found on of Ulla Andersson.

It is not a change that just occurred in parliament. Exactly the same journey has vänsterpartistiska local councillor made in lots of Swedish municipalities and county councils.

the Strategy has, however, a prerequisite. Just as the Conservatives are the Party in general, depending of the policy of blocs in order to be politically relevant. In many municipalities now places partnerships in the middle Left outside.

The big question is which way Jonas Sjöstedt and his party should go about liberals and centerpartister succeed in isolating the Left in the negotiations for the release until a socialist government? A government which, incidentally, is still going to have to be tolerated by the Left.

the party Will try to preserve the confidence of 25 years of practical political work have created, or will the lure of a all that for all the populism of the strong?

The issue is larger than how Jonas Sjöstedt, intend to vote in the next week. The answer may affect the future of the political landscape at least as much as mittenpartiernas choices.

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