“Löfvens branduppmaning to the Swedish people: ”be careful””
“Stefan Löfven believes that the Swedish brandberedskapen is significantly better now than last summer – not least in the case of helicopters.”
“But the prime minister is also directed to the Swedish people with a call to action.”
“– Take responsibility and be prudent in the forest and the land.”
“Even now, the raging fires around the country and the MSB, the Authority for the protection and preparedness, warning you that also this year’s summer can be rekordvarm.”
“This was prime minister Stefan Löfven (S) at a press conference in parliament addressed directly to the people of sweden with a call to action.”
” I want to urge everyone to take responsibility. Be careful in the forest and the land. Is it that you want to cook, make a fire or use the machines so you have to be careful. And above all, follow the eldningsförbud available. Think properly.”
“Helicopters in 90 minutes”
“According to the prime minister is the Swedish preparedness better now than last year. The MSB has received increased resources and therefore the greater the opportunities to assist municipalities and emergency services,.”
“A concrete example is about the helicopters for fire-fighting.”
“– At the highest state of alert should the helicopters be able to was up in 90 minutes, ” says Löfven.”
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