Lars Løkke Rasmussen is considering the possibility of introducing minimum wage in Denmark.

he writes on Wednesday evening on its Facebook page, where he shares his thoughts on how Denmark can get social dumping, to the life.

‘I don’t have the definitive answers, but I feel more and more convinced that we need to look unflinchingly at whether we can attach wages and working conditions of representative agreements greater importance in order to avoid that black sheep do not abuse the Danish model,’ writes the prime minister.

‘Expressed a bit popular, it would mean a regulated minimum wage on certain cross-border arbejdsråder based on what is agreed in the labour market, but without eroding the aftalesystemets many advantages.’

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Loop highlights, among other transport, as a place where a regulated minimum wage in his eyes would make it easier to secure conditions of remuneration.

According to Lars Løkke it is, among other examples such as the above-mentioned foreign drivers on Danish roads, which lived under poor conditions for low paid employment, who have got the prime minister to consider the issue of minimum wage.

But it puts at the same time, Lars Løkke in a dilemma:

– We can’t just turn your back on a successful model, rather than to fix the social conditions by law and remove the incentive to be in the union. Why should one join, if even those without membership immediately got the same conditions?

the Prime minister calls at the same time the danes on Facebook to give their views on how it can be solved, that Denmark avoids the underpaid labor and at the same time cherish the Danish welfare society.