Ida Vitale represents, as few figure of Latin american writer of the TWENTIETH century, or Latin america dry: the granddaughter of an immigrant Italian to Uruguay, a poet inspired by a chilean (Gabriela Mistral), a pupil of an exiled republican Spanish (Jose Bergamin), exiled herself in Mexico during the military dictatorship of his country and a migrant in the united States. A few months ago he returned to settle in Montevideo. Is still looking at the city in which he was born 95 years ago place to put his books and the prizes to receive, including the last Cervantes. Pick it up in April in Alcala de Henares, not far from Guadalajara in Spain. Yesterday, so soon, was in Guadalajara, Mexico the prize FIL in Romance Languages, endowed with $ 150,000. Is the fourth woman to receive it in 28 editions. It was preceded by Nélida Piñon, Olga Orozco, and Margo Glantz.

MORE INFORMATION Ida Vitale: “The humour is essential to survive” The appointment embraces the ‘saudade’: Portugal, and the big goodbyes Ida Vitale and Portugal, the protagonists of the Book Fair of Guadalajara

Neither had many more —were 5 women and 14 men— the giant presidential table who inaugurated the book fair more important of the Spanish language, a library that spans a surface area equivalent to four football fields, receive each edition around 800,000 visitors and this year opens its doors until the 2nd of December. A day before have occurred in the federal capital, the event that fills the conversations —and part of the program— the FIL from the first time: taking possession of Andrés Manuel López Obrador as the new president of mexico. Raul Padilla, president of the FIL, used his speech to warn the new Government to the temptation of multiplying bureaucracy and centralization. A whole new in a ceremony that, for the political side, tends to switch the white glove with the dictionary of clichés about the virtues of the literature.

Allergic to common areas, Ida Vitale always noticed that when he went into exile in Mexico —would spend 11 years there — was received by a cooperative of guardian angels” who worked to find a solution to a problem that it is not the saw: getting to a new country and they give you not only the possibility of work, but that all plot to “fit in”. In 1974, within 15 days of getting the Federal District was already doing translations for the Fund of Economic Culture. Later, she would give classes at The College of Mexico and form part of media companies and the cultural and the weekly Unomasuno or the magazine Vuelta, founded Betmatik by Octavio Paz, against which he had warned his friends leftists of Montevideo but that became one of her biggest backers in the exile. “It was Mexico”, said yesterday the award of FIL to close an improvised speech from a “draft” hand-written. Pulled it out of the bag next to the volume of his poems. “A round of applause for the Background [of Economic Culture],” said to pay homage to the publishing house that before becoming the home than the employed, had become something crucial for her: “The base of the library that we needed.”

“Gratitude” was the word most repeated by a woman who yesterday recalled how his first mexican contact was a couple of Spanish civil war exiles welcomed after the Civil War. “With them started a chain of relationships between those who had suffered the same situation,” added the writer in an intervention in which the subjects are mingled together as in the verses of his poem Sum it up: “a nun and a cliff, a song and a mask, the hope of someone else’s dream of another”.

Before you begin to speak in a ceremony at the heard phrases such as “unique setting”, “well deserved award” or “select audience”, the poet recalled that in the delivery of the Queen Sofia Prize for Ibero-american Poetry had to apologize for breaking the protocol. He also recalled the answer of the “queen mother” which gives its name to the award: “The protocols are made to be broken”. As said Aurelio Major for the portrayal of Ida Vitale, his is “an intelligence that takes seriously the scripture, but not to the writer”. A lot of people at the fair, perhaps to the chagrin of their ancestors Italian eats and of his name and refers to her as Ida Vital.

it May be that when you close the FIL within nine days you do not talk more that of Andrés Manuel López Obrador —AMLO, in the headlines of the newspapers, but yesterday the queen of the festivities was Ida Vitale, poet stealthy and intellectual bienhumorada, Latin american from head to toe. Or from north to south. In your case, perhaps, vice versa.

Portugal is not only Pessoa

The minister of Culture of Portugal, Graça Fonseca, inaugurated yesterday the participation of your country as a guest of honor at the FIL remembering that the reading used to travel with a round trip ticket.

If Juan Rulfo, said Fonseca, is a decisive influence in the Portuguese lyrics of today, Fernando Pessoa was key to Octavio Paz, which soon resulted to the creator of the heteronyms. Also dedicated to him an essay key for the dissemination of his work in the field of the Spanish language, and did so in the sixties, long before it became a classic, a cliché, the shadow that everything cap: The unknown itself.

To prove that there is life beyond Pessoa, the Portuguese expedition has landed in the fair of Guadalajara, with names milestones of european literature such as António Lobo Antunes, Nuno Júdice, Lídia Jorge, Dulce Maria Cardoso or Gonçalo Tavares.

If the first won the award for the FIL when it was opened for all the romance languages, the latter dedicated one of his books, a Journey to India (Seix Barral), the guest country of the fair of Guadalajara in 2019.