“it Was a discovery,” says Joan Manuel Serrat when encountered for the first time to Luis Eduardo Aute singing on television that “Alleluia” in 1965. Now he and nineteen colleagues will pay tribute in Madrid and the author of At dawn, which for more than two years do not go up to the stage.

Aute is absent from the scenarios from the 8 of August of 2016, he suffered two heart attacks with cardiac arrest after a concert in Huelva. Their peers, and their audience, has not forgotten even a minute. In your house, have supported it up to the millimeter, by reading even the newspaper for it to regain consciousness of life and of the world. Is better, they say, because it relates, it is already in the life. But it is not yet in a position to, for example, to go to the tribute that will prepare you and twenty friends, that could be twenty thousand, because all, in the song, in the arts, both want Aute… Is like the Julio Cortazar Spanish, loved by all over the world.


Of the mirror to the animaLhito: all the poetry of Aute Aute, a half-century learner Aute, past, and future

Says Joaquín Sabina: “it Is a unique case, not only the song: also in poetry, in painting and in any discipline that has wanted to touch, always with original and singular daring. That is to say, a Renaissance man in the XXI century, and a teacher and a friend.” Sabina and Serrat, and eighteen other artists friends of the artist absent, they shall gather themselves together to put music to an art that has become the author In any way in “a unique animal”. The tribute will be on December 10 in Madrid (Wizink Center) and titled, I Encourage you, animal!

It’s a music concert. But it could be an anthology of paint, or a recital of cinema, as Aute, born in Manila in 1943, and came to Spain at the age of eleven, is a total artist, or an animal total, by following his own description of the man who has two feet on the ground. He has written, he has portrayed, has done movies, and has travelled, to America, to all over the world, with the only baggage of his genius, therefore, and this is not a metaphor, it climbs up to the aircraft barefoot, devoid of baggage, and makes the journey a long time of meditation. This silence is born then all the arts that make it up. It is, ” said Rosa Leon, “a renaissance man”.

This double heart attack returning from Huelva interrupted a life marked by a journey unheard of through all the arts and by a mode of composing that challenge, in darker times, the understanding of the censors. The author of The alba, which was taken as a witness against the recent shootings of franco, has been recovering and continues to this slow aspiration to normalcy, animated by Maruchi Pink, his wife, and his sons Michael, Paul and Laura.

An appointment for the lovers of all Autes

it is a unique animal says a lot of people in the world that surrounds the different Autes that there are in Aute. And they also say colleagues like Rosa León, Ana Belen, Pedro Guerra, Víctor Manuel… Says Victor Manuel: “Eduardo did it all before and better”. In addition they will be at this concert, Andrés Suárez, Cristina Narea, Dani Martín, Ismael Serrano, Jorge Drexler, José Mercé, Luis Pastor, Marwan, Massiel, Miguel Poveda, Rozalén, Silvio Rodríguez, Suburban, Vicente Feliú… Alejandro Sanz, who is not in that cast, binds to these definitions as THE COUNTRY has sought to draw this portrait: “For singer-songwriters is the king of the huns, the lone ranger, the last of the mohicans… I think that is a reference for those who’ve ever dreamed of writing a beautiful song. We have so much to thank him to Aute that even a beautiful song we would be short”. Tempobet And explains Pedro Guerra, who is “one of the references”: “this Is the most artist of all. Also in the sense intellectual of the word. An author that navigates with ease and beauty to all corners of the art”.

In the two months in which the Aute was in a coma, in a hospital of Madrid, Miguel felt that the reading of the newspaper (this newspaper) could restore consciousness in the world. And for a long time we have read the story everyday, that he was listening in the middle of the long sleep. Now the artist is with preventive medication, it makes life a family, awaiting his recovery. The infarcts affected the view, the talk and the movement of their limbs. Those terrible news of more than two years ago did not foresee the strength of Aute, and not the strength of mind of your family.

Serrat says from Chile to Aute friends call him Luis Leonardo, for that character renaissance that reveals a Pink Lion. It is, also, as an abbot of Silos, “an artist thinking, in silence, to give the art their scores, their images and their intelligence. With him and without him I have sung many times In some way.” So what was discovered in 1965, on Spanish Tv, singing Alleluia. “It was a voice stimulant, a letter stimulating, which encouraged people who, like me, was looking for something similar. It was a way of understanding music, of presenting the songs, showing them to the people. And I joined with he who speaks Catalan!”

Rosa León, who made The alba one of his hymns, adds to the character of Aute: “What more is known of him are his songs. Their letters, nothing easy, are accompanied by music that makes those words to be easily understood by all”. Aute has been made of the cryptic a way to excite the imagination of those who hear or read it. It is, as it says Ana Belén, “a total artist in the various disciplines in which it manifests itself”.

For the songwriter is the king of the huns, the lone ranger, the last of the mohicans

Alejandro Sanz

Says Teddy Bautista, one of the friends that are closer has been on the Market in these two years of struggle, that there is none like this unique animal “for composing the soundtrack of the Transition and its hangover later”. It is “the sculptor of songs, the painter of poems. Turn 360 degrees to cover the artist and his art, and would be required also a guide to etymological to decipher Aute, author of journey through the words and sounds most beautiful of our time.” For Baptist it is a “precursor of what is different, a legacy of the Renaissance”. Was it a book that is going to holder The Divine Comedy of Aute. But the heart attack prevented to resume the idea.

Everyone want to Aute, held that the evil omen of that August has not fulfilled its fatal expectations, that Aute follow spelling in the present your life as an artist versatile, unique animal. From his home, this man who gave away music, and other dreams, will know of the concert that will resonate the words with which his friends comprise this portrait of Aute waiting for dawn again and see, as he has written, “the estrellas I indicated some sun.”