In the evening, it is Maria Haukaas Mittet to be hailed in “Every time we meet”. Maria grew up in Senja, in Troms, but moved to Oslo when she as 11-year-old got the role of “Annie” on Bryggeteatret in Oslo. In tonight’s programme she tells among other things about his childhood.

MARY: today is Maria’s day “Every time we meet”. Here together with the other participants. Photo: Christian Roth Christensen / Dagbladet Show more

When I was growing up on the island of Senja, as I lived so far away from my friends. It was a mile to the nearest venninna that I used to play with. So I had a big dream to live in housing estates, so that I could run up to them and call on the door, tell Maria in the program.

she tells us that She well be able to call on someone she absolutely did not know also. It had not so much to say, she just wanted to play.

– you See, she is a small, solitary on Lakselvnes had very needs to be social, ” she says.

See the clip at the top of the case.

Meet the role model of their

“Every time we meet” Maria meet Lars Bremnes, has long been a role model for her. When they got to meet each other in reality, they found really the tone.

– I had been looking forward to meeting all of them, but with Lars I was wondering how should I proceed. I had heard so much of his music that I feel that I knew him, but I knew that he did not know me, says Maria and continues:

He turned out to be extremely nice guy, as are most open. Then things really easy, when we get talking.

Personal and hot from Maria

It was perhaps not so strange that the two would find the tone, northern visesangere as they both are. According to Maria also has nordlendinger a tendency to find each other, and flire high when they first come together.

“northern gene” calls she.

I might be more eager teens in and with that I moved when I was I young. When I get used to the side of me, I take the guy, ” she says.

Now, the two go on tour together with “Show on the road”, where they pick up some of their favorittviser the Theme of the tour is “home”, or what really is home.

There is a thematic structure that fits well for the both of you. For while Bremnes after many years as utflyttet teens have moved home again, live Maria still in the south of the country.

– Anti-North-Norway

she tells us that She often thinks back to Northern Norway, and the time she had there.

I have the strong sense of belonging to where I have grown up. But I have nothing left there. My parents are here, the house is sold. So “home for christmas” is here with us in Oslo, ” she says, and continues:

– I driver really to romantisere this life in North-Norway. I said “have it” to the north in 1995, and began to mess with the singer / songwriter in 2012, to find out where the legacy my is.

It ended among other things with the album she released in 2014, called “Home”.

I have wondered a lot about who I had been if I had not gotten the chances I have been given. Had I been where I am today then, or had I let the days go because I had never found root? Maybe I had been deeply unhappy, because I had never found before?

cultural shock

the Transition from the small island of Senja to the large Oslo was great for 11-year-old.

Was open about the budget problems: – It was never an option to give up

– I remembered that I got culture shock, ” she says.

She was accustomed to that people was plain and clear, and said “move you” if they should go past her. It wasn’t like this in Oslo. She tells us that she remembers particularly well a woman who stood and said, “I’m sorry”, in a slightly annoyed way.

I had never heard “I’m sorry” with a annoyed undertone before, and did not understand what she meant, before she said, “I’m sorry, can I come past?”, tells Maria, who then wondered:

Why didn’t you just “move”?

– Had to moderate the language

The 11-year-old Mary was used to a more crisp and clear verbal communication, without it necessarily meant trouble. For example, “you, motherfucker” to be a pretty nice thing to say.

While down in the south she felt that everything she said was much more important.

I had to moderate my language so that all people didn’t think I was the furious lemenet from the North of Norway, when I really just was a happy and bubbly girl, ” she says.

despite The fact that she is anti-North-Norway, Mary has no plans to move back north.

But I have a sale – € on the island of Senja, which drag myself mentally up. I have lots of fantasies about what it should be, and it had been fun to have realized the dream, ” she says.

Surprised Bettan with a secret visit “Every time we meet”