“Marie Kondo-the fever and the 73-paragraphs”
“Aftonbladet’s leader board is the independent social democrat.”
“I’m at home a cold, working in front of the computer, but snoret flowing so profusely to it for a while almost overshadows the formation of a government that is about to finish. At times I am feverish, lying on the couch and read the script on the computer. Go out into the kitchen to make tea. Turn on the radio and ends up in the middle of a feature on the cleaning with her guru, Marie Kondo. “
“It’s as if every program is about Marie Kondo. Now, when the president disappeared from the picture and, the white month feels long and oxveckorna feels inhuman, cold seems the media establishment have decided that it is cleaning we should care about. It is an omen.”
“the Pensioners påökning”
“I push it in me a couple of Advil and I decide to go out and shop a bit while it is bright. In apotekskön bothered the staff with two pensioners who do not have the right discount card. One old man says to the other on the way out: ”You got in any case påökt, höhö.” ”Huh,” replies his friend. ”Yes, the 160 bucks it was.””
“How seniors react when they meet their adult children, and whether these are high-income earners, realize that they get much more, though they hardly need it, and soon also fattened without the war, I don’t want to think about. It’s like LO-base, Karl-Petter Thorwaldsson said, fördelningsprofilen on fyrpartiuppgörelsen is ”damn old”.”
“No ”sparks” of the new government”
“Home again is Marie Kondo on the radio. I decide to run her method in the new government. Look at the ministers one by one. One looks new out, but it turns out to be only Mikael Damberg, who had a beard. No, no ”sparks” that gives me the joy I should feel. I thank them and go on. On my desk is a print out of the 73-punktsöverenskommelsen. Each paragraph I review as Kondo: does this Give me joy? The answer is mostly no. Nothing makes me happy. So I say thank you for this time to year the RUT-contributions, deleted, war and market rents.nEwa Stenberg in DN salute, however, Stefan Löfvens agreement with rodney king during an arrest. Now, he becomes historical. The risk is that she may be right if this program becomes a kiss of death for the LO-members ‘ support to the social democrats. In the latest election, only 41 per cent of the LO members ‘ votes and the SD, which got 26 per cent fresh air and has already begun to jabba from the left. Åkesson commanded enough on the cake when Stefan Löfven been reappointed.”
“the wars of the Roses again.”
“LO-economists with Ola Pettersson in the lead also warned (SvD 22u002F1) in terms not heard since the wars of the Roses in the 1990’s the focus. ”Our view is that the four parties ‘ programmes will not solve Sweden’s problems. Instead, they run the risk to be deepened.”freeware it will be going to the LO-unions realise the SAF realized in the 1970s. The struggle for the ideological direction can not be transferred to the party alone. The trays must check and take the fight for the ideas. Suddenly crackled it. Suddenly I feel, if not joy, of hope.”