“Mary Poppins-the star of Miranda in the big interview”

“Hamilton-the creator: ”Some have a mossy image of the musicals””

“Lin-Manuel Miranda is hot, on Broadway and in London’s West end.nOrsaken is ”Hamilton”, the revolutionary musical. Now he lights the lanterns in ”Mary Poppins comes back”. A singing star who loves musical theatre.n – it’s All about the music. Music is my input to everything I do, ” says Lin-Manuel Miranda to Aftonbladet.”

“It is fun to talk with Lin-Manuel Miranda. His enthusiasm is infectious and the words clatter. He is also masterful rapper and improviser.n – I am happy for all the music films of the year. ”Mamma mia – here we go again”, ”Bohemian rhapsody”, ”A star is born” and ”Mary Poppins comes back” are completely different movies. My favoritperiod is the 1950s, with ”Singin in the rain” and ”The big premiere”, the MGM musicals. But it is important that we take the next step.n – The more you move the boundaries for how filmmusikaler looks, the more sustainable will be the genre. We all have a friend who says (mimics bored voice) ”Uh, I don’t like musicals”. It is for that they have a mossy picture of what musicals can be. Every time we develop the musical, we take away his friend’s ammunition to whine.n”Mary Poppins come back” is made in the same spirit as the first movie from 1964.n – It fits well in the meantime, the world feels uncertain. Mary Poppins comes not when everything is OK, she pops up when there is trouble. It was fun to go to work every day on set and know that you are playing with something that should make people happy and optmistiska.nMinns you what you thought of the first movie?n – We put all the movie in a toy box in our hearts. When you are small, you can see the amazing adventures, but as an adult, the film is about how quickly childhood disappears. We grow up and forget the imagination.nyou are obviously a big fan of musical theatre.n – I like it a little bit…nKänner you to Björn and Benny’s musicals at the side of the ”Mamma mia”?n – Yes, of course. ”Chess”, ”One night in Bangkok”. And… so here it is. I sit here now, is because I love musicals and desperately wanted to get into the industry. I knew that if I trained in ballet, I could get the role of Bernardo in ”West side story” or Paul in ”A Chorus line”. That was all. The only chances for a dude from Puerto Rico. Therefore, I began to write myself, and ”In the heights” was my first musical and then came the ”Hamilton. I have to create my own opportunities. I was offered the role in ”Mary Poppins” is the fruit of the hard work.nwhen you applied for a scholarship, you wrote that you wanted to change the landscape for american music theatre.n – I searched for it in 2004 and didn’t get the scholarship. It was a few years of being a substitute teacher and find other ways to pay the bills.nMen now you have changed the landscape with ”Hamilton”.n – It remains to be seen. Change is slow in the industry. Musicals take a long time to do. ”Hamilton,” took seven years, ”In the heights” eight. Renewal takes time.nHan tells us about the influences from many quarters. Very smygs into ”the Hamilton”, a phrase, a line in a song. His first scenroll in the school was in Gilbert and Sullivan’s operetta ”Pirates of Penzance”. He also mentions the ”Fiddler on the roof”, ”Les miserables” and ”South pacific”. At home, he heard Ruben Blades and Celia Cruz.nHan is very influenced by hip hop. Rappers like Grandmaster Flash, Busta Rhymes, Notorious B. I. G, Tupac, Run DMC.”

“And Shakespeare’s ”Macbeth” and Harry Potter. The Tv series ”the White house” and break dancers in the New York subway.you ”Hamilton” depicts Lin-Manuel Miranda, the united states in the 1700s as a melting pot of people and cultures from different directions. His musical manages to say something about our time, the united states today.nDisney held filmmusikalen at life through the animated ”The little mermaid”, ”Beauty and the beast” and ”the lion king”.n – Just. Thank you. I’m so glad I grew up during the golden age. I am here talking with you today to when I was nine years old I saw the crab Sebastian singing to Ariel in ”The little mermaid”. The song got my brain to boil. It was calypso, felt contemporary, a jammande in the sea that lit my imagination. When the film was released on video I pretended to be sick from school for not having to wait for the end of the day to buy it.”

“And now are you working with the feature films, or how?n – I is a producer on the feature film of ”The little mermaid”. I’ll make sure that we do not make a fool of ourselves. The animated film means more to me than to anyone else, so we should get on the best way to do it with the actor.nif you have learned of Mary Poppins?n – I see it as a film school. This was year one. I wanted to see how Rob Marshall works for you, he is one of the best. I queued up when his ”Chicago” had a theatrical release, it was incredible that he managed to make the strong film of such a beloved musical.”

“There’s more.n – Now waiting for year two of my film school. I’m producing a film version of ”In the heights”, which is directed by Jon Chu, who made ”Crazy rich asians” and the amazing dance numbers in ”Step up”. It will be interesting to follow him.nOch 2020 shall you direct?n – in the third Year of my film school should I direct the ”Tick, tick… boom!” after the Jonathan Larson musical, he who wrote ”Clean”. All this is a preparation for it.Finnish is not ”Hamilton” become a movie?n – We have only been around for three years and I want as many people as possible to see it on stage. When we reached as many as we can should we put ourselves down and think. I am proud of what we made on the scene.nwriting you all the time or only on specific projects?n – It is an excellent question. I think that when I’m not writing so germinate other ideas in the brain. Right now I have three different ideas for the next musical, and we’ll see which of those who raise their hands and want to get rid of. I learned of ”Hamilton,” was to trust my own gut feeling and instinct. Well, I think I’m writing all the time. Even when I’m not writing.yet waiting for ”Hamilton” in Puerto Rico, where Lin-Manuel Miranda will play the lead character in the three weeks to collect the money. He then writes on the next musical and in the summer waiting for the filming of ”dark matter” by Philip Pullman.n – On stage provides the audience with adrenaline. All they have done to be able to come to the show. Man wants to prove himself worthy, and give them an experience. On the film to get the adrenalin of it is so different things. Dancing with a penguin one day, dancing with Meryl Streep next. Turn off the Buckingham Palace and the climb on Big Ben. You must be present and tightened when it comes.”

” Born: January 6, 1980nBor: New YorknFamilj: Married Vanessa Nadal, sons Sebastian,4, and Francisco, 10 months.nScen: Written and played in ”In the heights” and ”Hamilton”.nTv: Appeared in ”the Sopranos” and ”House”nFilm: Wrote the music to ”Vaiana” and ”Star Wars: The force awakens”.nPriser: Received Tony, Emmy, Pulitzer, Grammy, and the Kennedy honor award, star in Hollywood.nAktuell: ”Mary Poppins comes back”. Played in the tv series ”dark matter”.n”