It is almost 50 years since the English rock band The Beatles chose to go their way, and rather go solo. One of them was the composer Paul McCartney (76).

In an interview with “60 minutes” has McCartney reminisced back to the days of The Beatles, and how it has changed him. It was in fact very bad atmosphere in the band, which meant that they went each to his own in the 1970s.

“The White Album”-fever 50 years after that album conquered the world Comment

” It tells, however, that they were happy together, and drag up a story about his own concern.

I am often concerned about. Take, for example, when we had made the album “Revolver”. I was kjempestressa a day because I thought it was out of tune. I listened to it, and for one reason or another and I thought “oh my god”. I went to the guys and said it was out of tune, they were concerned and listened to it, so they said “No, it’s not”, and I just “Oh, okay”, he says and continues:

– After The Beatles went each to his own I was in a way being accused of being the one who caused it to happen, and that we had always had a poor relationship. This reminds me always that we had not a bad relationship.


It was in the years 1967-1970, it began to unravel for The Beatles. They had stopped touring, and several used the time they had to spare to do their own projects. The band was also a part with the use of LSD, but stated 26. august 1967 that they were finished with it. But Lennon then began the heroin in 1968.

The Beatles: You can see clearly on this photograph from 1967 that the mood between the band might not be on the top. Photo: AFP View more

At that time they had no manager and would steer his career, which led to unprofitable investments. It was a great charge for the band. In 1969, they would however acquire new manager, but were unable to agree. Everything went bad for the band at this time. Also the film Magical Mystery Tour, which eventually resulted in a split, according to The Beatles Bible.

The Beatles-the film was svindyr and star-studded: Therefore flopped the Newspaper Plus

Cohost Sharyn Alfonsi shows McCartney The Beatles’ last live concert, something that stirs McCartney.

– It doesn’t look like a band that is about to dissolve, she asks:

– Yes, I know it is strange. It was when the business collapsed and things became difficult. It was never so wrong as people think, but we ended up arguing, clearly, he admits.

Compliment from Lennon

He also recounts the one time he actually got a compliment from John Lennon. Something that was not always a matter of course.

It came to pass, as they sat and wrote the song “Strawberry Fields” together. The first fløytetonen in the song was Mccartney’s idea, and he admits that the two have always had a konkurranseinnstinkt against each other.

– It was only once in all the time. No, I think it was when we wrote “Revolver”. It was “Here, There and Evrywhere” that was one of my songs on the album. Then said John when it was finished, “It was a very good song, mate. I love the song.”

Was fired from The Beatles: Have something usnakket with Paul McCartney