the ARD ordered the “Framing”manual was recently quoted a lot, hyped, and by the cocoa drawn. Everyone should read it best yourself, to learn what a simple “Newspeak”, he or she should be convinced to love the system of public broadcasting in a more or less “voluntarily” and to bless with higher contributions. It was not only in the social networks of outrage, many editors paid tribute to the work that critical – what happens in the light of the positions of power of the ARD and the ZDF in the public discourse.

it is Striking, as a celebrated scientist endangered language with a platter of Propaganda and partisanship, your reputation as a researcher. After all, Elizabeth had published Wehling previously to the political Framing, so the subtle influence of the audience through word choice and the language of violence, a non-fiction Bestseller. Remains a riddle why in the case of the ARD, the PR departments, as well as the grandees from the editor-in-chief were up apparently too unimaginative to pull out of Wehlings sly little book the necessary conclusions.

the ARD-Top put ordered instead an “aid” for their self-presentation and of the scientist for your rather amateurish Manual, and the accompanying performances of 120 000 euros, is perhaps only a minor scandals. But there is a poverty is testimony to this. It shows how communication is the public broadcasting bureaucracies are incapable of in their own right. Perhaps the ARD Yes by Karl Lagerfeld for inspiration. The fashion designer who died last week, is attributed to the tip, you should throw the money out the window in order for it to come through the door.

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“Framing Manual” for The ARD sounds like a cult

Harald Martenstein

Without a twinge of colleagues-envy, I would like to compare in the end Incomparable: I would have to write for the daily mirror 2400 Media-Lab, columns, to come to the fee, the ARD Mrs Wehling of contribution funds granted, so that we all pay even more for their numerous TV and Radio programs.