writes MeteoNews in a communication, Switzerland is facing a turbulent start to Winter. On Friday and Saturday, the country is in a strong West flow. In the flat land winds are reached, therefore, from 60 to 80 kilometres per hour, on exposed mountain Gale-force winds, with wind speeds of over 120 kilometers per hour peaks.

Nicola Möckli of MeteoNews, said on request: “It comes in a range by extended sun can be bent gates and balcony plants are umgewindet. Trees will not fall, locally, however, can be Branches threaded onto the street.”

Windy Christmas eve

Embedded in this flow crosses on Friday – on the basis of Deep “Stina” – a warm front, which brings part of the intense precipitation. The snowfall level will rise to 2000 metres and moves at the weekend, then between 1500 and 2000 meters. The temperatures for the Season are very mild, with two-digit values, respectively, in the afternoon.

Up on Christmas eve, it will remain mild, but also windy. Möckli: “It is Christmas again. But on Christmas eve it winds. However, not as strong as on the weekend.”

temperature drops, but not enough

The chances of a white Christmas days are vanishingly small. “Under the circumstances, there is on Christmas eve, once again a failure. This would not, however, provide for sufficient cooling. For a white Christmas will have to happen,” explains the meteorologist.

(Taken over by 20 minutes, edited, of the daily Gazette.ch/Newsnet.)


Created: 20.12.2018, 09:28 PM