“Mobilförbud for all who voted on the gammeldisco”

“Markus Larsson about the results of Mello in.”

“the town of LEKSAND. Two things I never thought I would write about the Eurovision song contest:”

“And give the power back to the children.”

“Jon Henrik Fjällgren also went on, of course.”

“But it did you know already.”

“What was important was that the reindeer on the Fjällgrens display to reach the final.”

“Sweden can breathe out into the pure viltlycka.”

“The biggest star in Leksand, a genuine skägglavshipster from the mountains, and, with this go up in the ring against, among others, Hanna Ferm and Liamoo on 9 march.”

“The history of the war hurt not removed in the first place.”

“Lina Hedlund also went directly to the final. And what happened there? Has the clock turned back ten years?”

“No shadow falls over the Line. She nails fixed every camera with stålblick and make a ärkeproffsigt prominent.”

“But the actual song is mossigare than a northern bog. I thought we had left schlagerdisco based on obsolete components behind the us. It sounded like the music had been produced by an old, leftover fan. “

“this was Carola in 2006 and Charlotte Perrelli two years later. And it was great for Sweden in the Eurovision Song Contest with the Song ”Hero”. Jättejättebja.”

“But no need, nor jaw-dropping two floors down for fear.”

“the Contest is affected always by at least one conservative rebound each year, how incomprehensible they are. To simple nostalgia, there is no known cure. The poison becomes we enough never.”

“Suspect that the alignment of the appröstningen play into tonight’s results. The children may not have the same massive power anymore.”

“In that case, I would say – give the power back to the children. They apparently have a better grip on both the pop and the threat to the climate than their parents.”

“Think about now, SVT. The kids are after all the future.”

“Then there is a greater chance that the entries and the competition is changing in pace with the time.”

“Rather that than some vinfryntliga parents with poor judgment gets to sit at the wheel. Or traditional schlagerfans like how the music sounded when Lill Lindfors lost her skirt in the live broadcast, for that matter.”

“They both röstningsgrupperna should from now on have mobilförbud in the three Saturdays in the future.”

“If you just sit at home and longing to dance to the old Alcazar-disco on the next bachelorette, let the car stand and the phone to be. You can not be really sober.”

“the Final in Leksand, sweden, was owned, however, by the following grants:”

“”northern lights” (the Reindeer feat. Jon Henrik Fjällgren).”

“Where was the tv audience see a substantial, and olyssningsbart Eurovision-number with thick smoke, dancing snövirvlar, northern lights, and a general hocus pocus, who only live and exist in this competition and no one else.”

“And that’s the whole point of Jon’s edm-yoik?”

“It is just madness, everything. Call it for the mainstream, as always. “

“One thing is for sure though. The reindeer was the best.”

“He is the only artist that can leave Leksand with the horns high. “

“the Reindeer. Comment superfluous. “

“Larsson’s varningnSjälvklart could not Omar Rudberg go on. His song was almost modern. n”