“More sharks are deemed to be closer to extinction”

“Seventeen shark species are threatened with extinction due to overfishing, according to a new assessment. It is more than previously thought.”

“– the Results are alarming, ” says Nicholas Dulvy, at the International union for conservation of nature.”

“It is hajarnas fins and meat is desirable. It threatens, among other things, the kortfenade makohajen, which, together with its långfenade systerart is one of the world’s most fished shark species. It is found by the International union for conservation of nature (IUCN) latest assessment of endangered animals and plants.”

“– The sharks that are growing the slowest, is the most sought after, and are not protected from overfishing are the ones that are threatened most, ” says Nicholas Dulvy.”

“Makohajens meat and fins, are seen as delicacies in chinese and asian cooking.”

“More tuna, fewer sharks”

“For six of the seventeen designated shark species is considered the threat to be critical. For three of these, it is the first time the threat is considered so serious.”

“The recent efforts to protect the bluefin tuna from extinction, has led to fishermen increasingly targeted sharks.”

“– In the Indian ocean, the Arabian sea and the bay of Bengal is the tuna industry is really a hajindustri with tuna as additional income, ” says Nicholas Dulvy.”

“Sharks are particularly sensitive to people when they are in the top of the food chain and therefore grow slowly, become sexually mature relatively late and may have offspring.”

“unlike terrestrial animals, where one focuses on population size when evaluating the threat, so look among the sharks in instead of how fast the population decreases.”

“– It requires a benchmark that we first got for ten years ago, when the tuna industry started to keep book on how many sharks they caught. A decade later, we now see that the situation is much worse than we could have imagined, ” says Dulvy.”

“In may, a vote is held whether to put up the kortfenade makohajen on the CITES convention list of endangered species, which would limit the fishing of the species.”

“In a study from 2013, it was estimated that 100 million sharks are fished each year for their fins, meat and liver oil.”

“the International union for conservation of nature (IUCN) coordinates international efforts to develop a so-called rödlistning of threatened plant and animal species.”

“Of the total of 1.7 million species have been described scientifically, experts have assessed the condition of 98 512. Of these, more than 27 159 classified as endangered on the international as the red list in the categories of critically endangered, endangered and vulnerable.”