the Woman is dressed in a jacket, high buttoned shirt and a pencil skirt that fits tightly on over the thighs. The legs are crossed and in one hand, in the nypan between the thumb and the index finger, dangling a strypkoppel in mansstorlek.

the Woman’s gaze is string. ”One of her boys” is written on the cover.

the Book is included in the Storytels bet on their own erotikberättelser in the format of audio book and is a serial in ten parts about the bartender Kalle who are lured into a world of submission and eroticism of a more experienced woman. Compared with other titles of the same genre at Storytel went serial good, with high lyssningssiffror in a very short time, and lay long on the charts.

– We have noticed that erotica is something that listeners appreciate, and we could see a lot of potential in this story, ” says Sophia Falk Spanos, publisher at Storytel.

eroticism has become popular in ljudboksmarknaden. In Sweden gave the publisher of the Leopard in the christmas out a erotikjulkalender and have started the series ”Feminist erotica”, Saga Egmont has formed the publisher Desire, Hoi gave out erotic thrillernovellserien ”Sthlm by nite”, then leap out and start a underförlag – Gazebo – fully dedicated to erotica.

That the DN previously reported has eroticism become the genre of choice at Storytel in Norway, where the three most popular works on the list have descriptive titles such as ”I’m so tight!”, ”He’s in my behind” and ”Popping my anal cherry at 40”.

Perhaps it is because it is already so popular romantikgenren often contains sex scenes that eroticism must go one step further and be so explicit. In which case, it seems romantic the sex is not enough to relieve the listener liderlighet.

– No, it does not seem so. It is the same thing as in the crimea, the listeners don’t get tired of the murders and other crimes, rather the opposite, ” says Sophia Falk Spanos.

the erotic range on ljudbokssajterna it becomes even more explanation: it’s naked shoulders, thighs, and tits as far as the eye can reach. Online can the covers be particularly serious, because no consumer need to stand and be embarrassed in public in front of the shelves with the nudity.

Very really is also the cover for both distributors and publishers attach great importance to.

– They must be both stylish and clear despite the fact that they primarily appear as thumbnails in the strömningstjänsterna, ” says Lars Rambe, ceo of the Gazebo.

The digital format also opens up for interactive features. A vibrator, Vibease, are alleged to vibrate in sync with the story’s dramaturgical curve. In säljtexten to the product, one can read: ”Imagine that you are listening to ’Fifty shades of him,’ and when the voice says ’I’ll take you gently’ vibrates softly, and when the voice says ’I’ll take you hard’ so it vibrates hard.”

Cristine Sarrimo: Why are we supposed to listen to audiobooks blush?

Photo: Alamy Stock Photo

thus, when erotic audio books appeared in the beginning of the 2000s, the majority of listeners are men, experts such. But around 2005 was the female listeners more, then the world’s largest ljudboksdistributör, Audible, signed an agreement with romantikförlaget Harlequin. Then followed the ”Fifty shades”-the success which ploughed up a completely new, fertile ground for the erotic stories in digital format. As late as the spring of 2019 is E L James is still the most listened to author within erotikgenren and at this point the female domination huge: on the ljudbokstjänsten Bookbeat is 91,5% of the listeners to E L James-books women (to compare with the whole service range, where 77 per cent of consumers are women).

– The female consumers are usually in the majority when it comes to most kinds of literature. We have a lot of male consumers of our erotic literature, even if they are in the minority. When it comes to the authors is the gender distribution, however, in principle, equal with us, which in itself is interesting given that almost all författarpseudonymer is a female name, ” says Lars Rambe.

– and, thus, traditionally female – coded- perhaps explains its låglitterära status in kulturhierarkin. Precisely why has the format been such a liberating force for the genre: they can’t be caught trying with what to devour for literature because no one knows what you’re listening to.

According to the ljudboksföretaget Audio Books are commuting to and from work the most common time for erotic ljudbokskonsumtion. The ability to upphetsas while you do other things, has got a different customer segment to grow: truck drivers. The same nischkrets previously consumed erotica and pornography along the roads can now combine this with their occupation, reads the analysis in the New York Times. A kind of business and pleasure-the composition of which may a to brood a little over trafiksäkerhetsaspekten of it all.

Swedish Storytels statistics show a more predictable kåthetsmönster: listening, peakar on valentine’s day (which the author Katja Slonawski taken advantage of in their sökordsoptimerade title ”valentine’s night”) and in the summer, and on Sundays throughout the year.

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a clear definition that distinguishes it from the romantikgenren – or if the eroticism purely of is a sub-category of romance – it has several subgroups, from the vampire – and varulvstäta fantasyerotiken to porn if ishockeyproffs (”Trying to score”, the ”Defensive zone”). But the most dominant is of course the sadomasochistiska trend that E L James popularized in his series about the åtrådde and dysfunktionelle Christian Grey.

Eli Winther, the pseudonym behind ”One of her boys”, says that bdsm is all about the things you fantasize about, but dare not live out. And because eroticism is an extension of sexual fantasies become bdsm gratifying to write about, and sound a welcome format.

– It is terribly foolish to write long erotic books of several hundred pages if you press them as paper books: a good snuskbok do you want to be able to read with one hand, while you take care of yourself with the other, ” she says.

In a way, it was just ”Fifty shades,” which led her to write the book.

– Outraged voices shouted that the book represented the bdsm bad, and that it skidded on the consent, so I challenged myself to write a book where the bdsm was portrayed as something positive, and where consent was a red thread in the book’s action.

you have to basically have a compelling story, ” she says.

” I want the story should be catching and engaging, and I want you to be horny and inspired when you read. I tried to write the sex in the book as something realistic; it is six to be able to have yourself then, if you thought listening was hot.

With the physical erotikböcker it is often mentioned how the pages with the sex scenes is so sönderbläddrade that they are detached from the covers when the book is opened (see any copies of the ”Horse valley” for the empirical finding). I ask, therefore, how the authors relate to it, if one expects that listeners will skip forward to the spicier the parties.

” I hope so of course they want to follow Donald on his journey into the maktförskjutningens wonderful world all the way. I don’t think sexpartierna will be as good or hot if you do not have the surrounding context. It is more than just a fuck, much much more, and I hope the book also reflects the.

read their sentences aloud to taste them. For a genre that is based on intimacy, where the story is rather similar to a dirty talk between the readers and the listeners – it should be all the more important.

I read parts from the book high on the parties before it came out. Sometimes with interesting results, so that inspired listeners, but also to test whether the material works. I’m far too lättgenerad to prefer the sound when it comes to erotica, but I have heard that many listeners like the feeling of having a secret on the subway, for example. I think it depends a lot on uppläsaren.

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Some times, the laughing man actually ate his own response to the text, that one has fnissat to a könsord or something similar.

winther’s book is made under a pseudonym; the ”Marcus Johansson”. He is preparing arbetsskiftet by having a low heart rate, he says: the target audience for erotic literature are more specific expectations of how it should sound.

A stressed out readers making a stressed loading, and a stressed loading just gets crap. Especially when it comes to erotic literature.

– Haha yes, a bit it becomes. It is important to not make caricatures of the characters, but at the same time, it must ensure that the listener should be able to distinguish the characters in the book. Then it will be easy that it drops a little lower in order to increase the feeling and create a sexier mood.

– Some times it happens that you laugh for of the text. But it may have as much to do with that you will be surprised by the plot, not that it is written is strange or pajigt. Some times, the laughing man actually ate his own response to the text, that one has fnissat to a könsord or something similar.

– Sometimes it is current shape that determines, on some days you will have a better flow and then it is easier to read in several sex scenes. Other days it is more demanding, then there will be a few more breaks. The effort may be slightly higher when reading erotic literature.