“Most utflippade tv series right now”

“3×3 kulturtips: Malin Krutmeijer, Jenny Högström and Claes Wahlin on what to see, read and listen to.”

“This is a kulturartikel which is a part of Aftonbladet’s opinionsjournalistik.”

“the Psychic octopus and the soul in the ear”

“TV SERIES Travel between dimensions by means of a kind of modern dance, the souls that grow out of the ears, a psychic octopus – The OA is probably the most utflippade and wayward as the go to see right now. The series will walk kids back and forth across the kalkongränsen. I can’t stop watching. Two seasons are on Netflix. (MK)”

“Hard, fun, beautiful”

“JAZZ Pearls for pigs thinking maybe experts, if I jazznovis went to a concert with dansku002Fsvensku002Fbrittiska trio Phronesis without having heard of them before. But I was saved: it is very hard, fun and beautiful. The band is touring a lot. In the evening (11 april) they play in Kristianstad. Latest album is called We are all. (MK)”

“FILM I have seen some horror movie, but a scene from the Stephen King-based Jurtjyrkogården (1989) have haunted me for 30 years. If I say ”the achilles tendon”, you know the 60 – and 70-talisterna what I’m talking about. A nice remake of the film is at the cinema now, for new generations, and the us who want to relive the trauma. (MK)nnnn”

“Obsessed, vibrant bodies”

“DANCE To go on dancing with the Gothenburg gathered kulturkonsumerande sphere is an experience in itself. In their best moments and the music that roars through the body manages to Göteborgsoperans danskompani with Life’s a show, however, get me to forget about this alienation. Then their bodies are an abstract extension of the mine; weightless, obsessive, pulsating. (JH)”

“An adventure that doesn’t end”

“the ESSAYS Image, and the dialectic is an inviting selection of Walter Benjamin’s texts (selection and translation by Carl-Henning Wijkmark) about art, the human being, perception, and revolution and a never ending source of joy. In the plate, and polarized times, it is instead the paradoxes that keep Benjamin alive. To read him is an adventure that does not end. (JH)”

“the NOVEL, Little did I know that the poet Helena Österlund, would one day write such a novel as My vulnerable body. But now it’s here, demanding, difficult, self-revealing, and can not be undone. The novel is about getting other people close to, in both erotic as emotional sense. How painful must it do? (JH)n”

“the BOOK of Zuzu is discarded by the kyrkoherren Francis Influence, she flees out into the countryside: ”On the road’s damp beach low Zuzus clothes like, stripped of emotion. Her white naked body appeared and disappeared in the silvery day that flying fish and left dark spots in the grass.” If Lettgallens history and relation to Russia from the mid-1800s and forward is No Ābeles impressive epics Vidjemunken, in a heroic translation by Juris Kronbergs (Ariel publishing). Language is the biggest enjoyment, the images fall as fond snowfall. (CW)”

“Bartoli returns back to the Vivaldi”

“the CD For twenty years ago, Cecilia Bartoli opera world by surprise with its cd with arias from Vivaldi’s operas. Now, twenty years later and after a series of opera houses in Europe, Sweden is the exception, has rediscovered Vivaldi’s operas, she has returned to the Italian composer with a new cd (Decca). The voice is as safe, phrasing than, more skilled, and all during Jean-Christophe Spinosis the direction of the Ensemble Matheus. It is a pure pleasure. (CW)”

“were visited at the Concert hall.”

“the MUSIC of the Baroque, the visit of the class, it is at the Stockholm concert hall on Saturday (13 april). The ensemble Lautten Compagney from Berlin in front of over Birgit Schnurpfeils respective Fredrik Malmberg’s leadership the music of Georg Philipp Teleman, along with Eric Ericson’s chamber choir is given, above all, André Campras Rekviem from the 1720s. Campras stylish compositions can be heard almost never in these latitudes, so take the chance. (CW)n”