It was with both joy and gratitude, to Forsvarschefen in 2015 could announce that they had hired competent manpower to stand for a special task.

Prince Joachim, who has a past in the military, had got the position as special expert for Forsvarschefen with a view on the implementation of the reserve.

Danish royal – 27. feb. 2019 – at. 08:11 Lars Løkke: Joachim take the money with you to France

From his own office in one of the buildings in Copenhagen were he among other tasks, to ensure that the conscripts can get free from work when duty calls.

The 49-year-old prince will not be replaced when the fall move with the family to the south to study at the French military school Ecole Militaire in a year’s time.

It appears by Ekstra access to the prince’s employment relationship with the Defense.

Thus given to prince Joachim is busy in France. He must go to school six days a week, and at the same time carry out its 41 protektioner.

By inspection it appears, however, that he is garderet against too many commitments for the Defense:

’the H. K. H Prince Joachim of denmark shall, during his military training in Paris continue, as far as possible, to perform the function of forsvarschefens special expert’.

Here is the prince’s job title

the Agreement between the Joint Forsvarskommando and His Royal Highness Prince Joachim of denmark:

create a function as special expert for Forsvarschefen of Defence Totalstyrke, which also serves as special expert in relation to the actual implementation work. The feature must contribute to the deepening of Defence and Hjemmeværnets cooperation with Danish companies and authorities.

the Function covers the following two areas:

As a special expert for Forsvarschefen of Defence Totalstyrke assist Forsvarschefen with the knowledge of the relation of personnel in the Defence reserve force, including the use, recruitment, skills development and retention, as well as the relationships between personnel in the reserve forces, however, and their employers.

As a special expert for Forsvarschefen and the chief of the national Guard in relation to implementeringsorganisationen for the HR delstrategi 9 assist the management of the implementeringsorganisationen, including Implementeringsstyregruppen, Projektimplementeringsgruppen and relevant underarbejdsgrupper in connection with the implementation of the Defence Totalstyrkekoncept, with a particular focus on the cooperation between Defence and civilian employers.

(Source: Access)

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in Addition to having inserted the rubber formulation ‘in the possible’ Defence has not provided working hours in the contract with the prince, and therefore do not registered, how many hours he puts in the work.

Prince Joachim can’t get payment for his work for the Defense, because he already receives årpenge of the state.

William Stefan Holsting, who is head of the department of management and organization at the defense college, says that it sometimes happens that the Defence posts ‘are empty’.

– the Defense is organized so that the employees commonly be deployed in international operations from the domestic positions they to the daily contest.

Danish royal – 13. feb. 2019 – at. 19:22, Joachim circumventing the law

– This means that the domestic posts from time to time, are empty in the periods in which employees are released.

– It is often true also of the higher officersstillinger, he says.

Ekstra Bladet has in vain requested an interview with prince Joachim chief of the Defense to ask why you won’t find a new one to fit the prince’s position while he is studying in France.

Subsequent, have the Extra Magazine sent questions in an e-mail, where it is not possible to ask follow-up questions.

Writing the equivalent Defense, that they do not respond to questions about the prince’s work.

‘As we have communicated in connection with a previous decision of access to documents, working conditions for individuals in the public service not covered by the right of access to documents’.

the Royal family has not wanted to comment on the story.