the former President of The Hochschule for music and Theater in Munich, Germany, Siegfried Mauser, you must pay around 21 000 euros to the free state of Bavaria. This is the administrative court of Munich ruled on Wednesday.
Actually, Mauser 2014 was set as the new rector of the Mozarteum University in Salzburg from his teaching position in Munich for the First. But he wanted to continue teaching at the music Academy of the Bavarian state capital – with a teaching job and for around 277 euros per hour.
Much to expensive, was now the administrative court. It is a Mauser sentenced, around 15 000 euros to the free state to repay. A further 6000 euros in return for a premium received according to the court, wrongly. The judgment is not appealable. Mauser’s lawyer announced plans to appeal.
Not the first court procedure
The free state had requested, in addition to the € 6,000 of the premium originally around 40 000 euros in compensation, among other things, on the grounds that the Ex-President had himself appointed to the teaching staff. By contrast, Mauser had complained, in part, with success. Part of the money he is allowed to keep according to the judgment, because he actually taught.
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Mozart-the total output of Three meters, 132 volumes, 25,000 pages
For the former President of the College of music, it is not the first court. In may, he was convicted in the regional court I of Munich for sexual coercion to imprisonment for a period of two years and nine months, however, he took Revision. Mauser was from 2003 to 2014, President of the University of music in Munich and from 2014 to 2016, the rector of the Mozarteum in Salzburg. (dpa)