45 037 125 Netflix-accounts as the “Bird Box” in the course of a week after the premiere of 21. December. This is the best åpningsuka for a Netflix movie in strømmetjenestens history. It claims Netflix on his official Twitter page.

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It is rare for Netflix goes out with the ratings, but the record qualified obviously to an exception.

the jubilation met with skepticism from some.

– It is an impressive number, but also one that requires a list with subject, questions and qualifiers at length with åpningsteksten to the “Star Wars”, writes CNN.

The sudden openness from the strømmegiganten has received several journalists to ask questions about what the numbers really mean.

” I am interested in what such numbers mean to a filmmaker. Affects the director Biers next movie? How does a traditional studio, which is considering hiring her on it? ask The Hollywood Reporter-journalist Rebecca Keegan on his Twitter page.

No neutral third party

It is also unclear how Netflix counts impressions. It is evident not Netflix’ tweet about the number only applies to those who have seen the whole movie, or if users who have seen the half – or only a couple of minutes – counted, writes CNN.

They also point that the threshold for picking a film is lower than that for buying a kinobillett, and that, therefore, it is difficult to compare the number with something else than former Netflix movies.

another issue is that there is no neutral third party involved, as when kinotall or ratings on linear CHANNELS is measured.

CNN quotes underholdningsdirektør Kelly Kahl at CBS, which, according to them tvitret: “the Figures are independently verified by … eh, Netflix”.

They also point to the absence of authorities that Nielsen Media Research, making independent measurements of the ratings on american TV.

– It is difficult to say what the activity of the 45 million accounts means compared with kinosalgstall. It is also unclear whether the figure is for the whole world or just the united STATES. Probably applies to the whole world, writes the american newspaper.

Won the Academy award for film about racism. Now making a monster movie

Netflix is currently available in 190 countries.

Shared reviews

Regardless of how the Netflix counts impressions, it is probably safe to state that the “Bird Box” has turned in a very good position with the public.

The same can however not be said about the critics.

The Independent gives it two out of five stars.

– There are countless dystopian sci-fi dramas where civilization has collapsed and the survivors are struggling to keep the family together. “Bird Box” does not take the viewer with no place we have been before, writes reviewer Geoffrey Macnab.

He also calls the film’s action is “cumbersome”.

– When the main characters stumble through the forest and feel up with fiskesnører, I take myself to wish that they could just take off øyebindene and see where they go.

the Two stars get the also of The Guardian, criticizes the film for “goofy punchlines”, a low tempo and a predictable cast of characters that feels “like hand-picked like a box of donuts”.

ATTENTION! From here and out, there are small spoilers for “Bird Box”.

Variety is a bit milder in his judgment – but only a little.

– the Script does its best to give Bullock a rich psychological background story. It has something to do with a reluctance to become a mother, and redemption she experiences when she accepts the role, they write.

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– But there is still no way around the fact that this is a monster movie without a monster.

“Claustrophobic kammerdrama”

Pål Gustavsen is however positive to the film. He is half of the “Blodklubben”, horror film-the duo that was to break the all-time scariest movies, in the Newspaper in the summer.

I think the determining factor is the extent to which one expects a kind of solution, a response or an explanation of what happens, he says to Dagbladet.

In the postapokalyptiske movies – i.e. movies that takes place after a worldwide disaster – is such clarifications rare, he believes.

– Some like it and others do not like it.

Gustavsen calls the film a “claustrophobic kammerdrama”, with a well-functioning premise and good acting.

They managed to put good frames to create an exciting and intense twist on the postapokalyptiske the genre. And shrewd and effective handling of children in the central roles, ” he says.

Much unexplained

Gustavsen concede that the movie allows much to be unaccounted for. It is not necessarily a weakness, he believes.

– Often, it is the way that the smaller one gets to know or see, the more scary it becomes.

He pulls up “Jaws” from 1975, where the actual shark did not appear until after 80 minutes.

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It is the reason that one keeps certain things hidden. I think it’s smart here too. but in “Jaws” you get after all to see the shark until the end. Here you will not get it.

He thinks this can be the reason that the movie will get shared reviews.

People want an answer to what is hiding out there. But often, it is more enjoyable that one creates in their head, even, than when you get the answer served on chargers of gold. We experienced it as a strength.

Many compare the film with “A Quiet Place” from earlier, that was about a monster which appeared at the slightest sound. Has Netflix taken the idea from there, and only swapped out the hearing with the vision? What’s next, a movie about the deadly smells?

– Yes, he-he. One must hold their nose, otherwise the door man! “A Quiet Place” is also a svinaktig good movie, and the “Bird Box” toys with a similar premise when it is rooted in a sense.

– Dramafilm with horror elements

Gustavsen says he is surprised at the film’s violent popularity. He believes part of the explanation may lie in the fact that the movie simply isn’t for creepy.

the Movie was “illegal in 46 countries”: – Real people being killed on the screen

– It is just the right creepy and exciting, and kicking is never so hard that people pull themselves away. I think everyone can safely recommend it further to friends or to her mother, ” he says.

Although he would like to wish that it kicked harder.

But it is not necessary. It did the job. Director Susanne Bier has previously shown that she is very good at characters and the close relationships, so it is not surprising that it works well also here.

– it Is more a dramafilm with a monster in the background than a horror movie?

– Yes, maybe. An extremely exciting drama with horror elements that are held relatively securely at a distance.

Gustavsen think the decision to not show the film’s monster is a smart choice. Had the monster appeared in the course of the last half, would certainly some criticized it too, he thinks.

instead, open the solution for their own reflections.

– There are several that discuss what the film is really about, about the monster, for example, symbolizes our inability to see and acknowledge racism, or simply the challenges of being a parent. The film open for interpretation and discussion, and there can be a lot more fun than that kind of edderkoppliknende “alien” and eat the main character.

the Movie scared the crap out of us