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Nicki Bille career as a professional footballer may be over.

It tells the 31-year-old striker on Thursday in Copenhagen city Court, where he defends himself against charges of violence, threats and violation of våbenloven.

Bille right arm is bound in a bandage. This is due to an episode in his apartment on Kenny Drews Vej in Copenhagen between christmas and new year, where the Ball was shot and hit by several buckshot in the arm.

– I am disabled for the life of it here. My football career, which I have been struggling for the whole of life, is perhaps the end, saith the Beetle.

He says that he has problems with bending and stretching the arm, and that he cannot link his right hand. When he was hospitalized, he was, by his own admission up to 50 pills a day.

In the right breaker at one point his explanation and asking for a glass of water.

– I get a lot of medicine. It does, I will be completely dry in the mouth, tell the player.

Photo: Mads Claus Rasmussen/Ritzau Scanpix

Skudepisoden is, however, not on the agenda at Thursday’s hearing. But as the Beetle was hospitalized for treatment, he should, according to the indictment have threatened a nurse.

It rejects Nicki Bille, however. He admits that there was a confrontation between the two, but it started because the nurse raised his voice. It developed into a quarrel, and, according to the Beetle, it ended up that the nurse beat him.

Nicki Bille refuses is guilty of even a anklagepunkt. The case of violence against a doorman at a discotheque in Copenhagen shortly before christmas. There is little disagreement about which disco.

– this is The place, which in the old days was called Disco IN, tells Nicki Bille.

Here was Nicki Bille having beaten a doorman one or two times in the face with a clenched fist. It rejects the Beetle, however. According to him they were in a quarrel, because the doorman would not let him enter.

– I am a person with many emotions, and I become sour, says the Beetle, which acknowledges to have hit the bouncer with his hand.

But there was talk about a push. Not a stroke. According to the Bille he would push the bouncer away, as the two came in and clinch with each other.

the Bouncer has a different explanation. The shall give he, with the support of about a dozen colleagues, who are present in court. According to the bouncer there was talk about the battles.

– one battles, fending off I, but the second hits, tells the bouncer.

the Beetle is also accused of in a brandert to have threatened a man with a gun. The he admits. It happened in October. Beetle refuses, however, to he in the same context, violating the våbenloven. Luftpistolen was legal.

Finally, Nicki Bille acknowledged to have been in possession of 0.26 grams of cocaine for his own consumption.

Plus Nicki Bille shot with the shotgun: Rocker-son and model charged with attempted murder

Sports and Games in the Rear of the trouble-Beetle: From stortalent to skandaleramt