It is usually seen in the eyes. People who want to get others to believe in something are often a shimmer of överlyckligt madness.
Business representatives have for decades into the dung on the konferensscener. But today, when barely even capitalists believe in capitalism, then framtidsfantasterna have gone and hung themselves in the klimatdepression, is our single of the fastest growing talarbusinessen. Inspirational speaker, holistic coaches, detoxkonsulter, what they now call themselves. The bottom of the mixer has these stuffat kroppsharmoniska effects, bronsåldersvisdomar and strategies for success in the workplace. And, above all, taken the batter from the books and up on the stage.
of course, faster and smarter than to get a book published. A time snömos at a training centre may, for the with white teeth, Clear Eyes in the eyes and sprejsolbränt face, give perhaps a hundred thousand into your account. Often presented the coaches typically also as entrepreneurs. It is not just altruism that drives it all, the bigger the gang of unskilled watch-check-in-you-yourself-consultants. It is the money, dummer.
All arma satar who want to feel good, love themselves, succeed in love and on the job – this universal human desire – can’t even try to reach this condition without emptying the savings account, or alternatively, take one of the ockerlån blinking happily towards a in all channels.
You want to immediately guzzle themselves to death as a sort of childish protest against this nonsense.
That someone is talking about for a that life will be better if you learn to ”reach your full potential, open the door to your inner journey and spirituality, detoxa your body and your soul, do hälsosmoothies, find your aura, find muay thai for your individual body” (no, nothing is felskrivet) costs a lot of dough. The inner and outer strength, health, peace, this binoculars within ourselves, has become a middle-class the public domain. Do you do nothing at all of this, you are hillbilly or sub-class (often the same thing), irresponsible, or in short, stupid in the head.
to death as a sort of childish protest against this nonsense. But you can reasonably do.
instead, set themselves three questions: Why would I? Where is the ”Mandate review” when you need them? And, perhaps, shouldn’t this industry be blamed more than anyone else?
In a time marked by kunskapsförakt and självberikande, when solidarity and publicity is so outdated words that people are laughing at themselves, it is questionable teach-you-live – better-fluffet only one truth in the line.
Questionable is also gymbranschen, yogasanningarna, raw food-bluffarna, ingefärageschäftet and second chances. Or when companies with English skojnamn – is The Electric Chimpanzee free? – selling ”Mediastrategier and holistic approach in the forefront”, that is to say nothing, to other companies who expect to be able to take market share through a new think.
the drum is considered to be a better way to health than all with the white coat and medical training? When every person with a Facebook account, or krönikespalt for that matter, always know better than all the authorities, politicians, civil servants, councils, state-owned enterprises and all forms of empirical science.
living in a frugal frilanstillvaro often get the council to enter into a talarbranschen and, certainly, an injection of cash would really be needed. Skitsnacksbranschen may to some extent be understood. But livsteman as shame and worthlessness, the complete inability to believe in and promote himself, can among also be turned into something good: Decency.
Read more texts by Niklas Wahllöf, for example, about ten menial murderer, who tells a collective story of a childhood hell.