“No, a tiggeriförbud solves no problem.”

“Debater: the EU’s indulgence is outrageous and unworthy.”

“This is an opinion piece. It is the writer who stands for the views that are put forward in the text, not Against.”

“the DEBATE. In december was the municipality of Vellinge permission of the Highest administrative court to impose a local ban on begging. Now Staffanstorp followed suit with a similar ban and the SD driver, together with local representatives from the M and KD, for that to become a reality in more communities. But to ban poverty, as it basically comes down to, is both immoral and counterproductive and doesn’t solve any problems.”

“I work with questions about the rights of minorities and vulnerable EU citizens in the european Parliament. In this week we will once again vote on a resolution on the situation of roma in Europe. The EU countries still have a lot to live up to human rights and non-discrimination, and that the Swedish municipalities are now trying to solve the problem by banning begging is unfortunate for several reasons.”

“There is a lot that needs to be done to counter discrimination of the roma. Even in Sweden the discrimination is widespread and we need both better inclusion in the labour market as worthy of accommodation.”

“IN EUROPE, we are working to improve the situation of the roma so that they will not leave their home countries from the beginning. The EU has so far allocated large grants for the integration of roma people in Europe in the form of educational initiatives, efforts to improve the standard of living or the contact points for the roma, for example. But as the citizens of countries like Romania and Bulgaria themselves do not want to help their fellow countrymen, the situation has not improved significantly.”

“The indulgence by the EUROPEAN union in this matter is outrageous and unworthy. The way the roma minority is being treated in many countries is a betrayal also of the values on which the EU is based on. The EU needs more tools to take against member states that violate human rights, for example, the commission should to a greater extent able to take a member state before the EUROPEAN court of justice for breach of the union treaty.”

“It is outrageous that the EU and its member states have not done more to improve the situation of the roma. But to try to solve the problem by banning the begging and chasing away the homeless is just burying your head in the sand and danger on the contrary worsen the situation of the roma. “

“It is the poverty and the discrimination that we must fight, not the ones begging.”

“nBodil Valero, member of the EU parliament (mp)”

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