”The medium is the message” declared Marshall McLuhan already in the 60’s. What is the message shapes the digital media today? How many of us have not tried to bring the nuanced conversations on social media and being deliberately misunderstood or påhoppade, also of friends. The need for new forms of calls on the network.

On april 26, launching the adult education movement’s advocacy Sverigepratar.see to puncture filterbubblorna. Now to the Brit Stakston misstänkliggöra the motives behind the initiative (DN 2/4).

Sverigepratar.see the match together political opponents with each other. Instead of brawl: talk. Instead of hate: the call. As Tinder, though for the opposite views. The online, freely and securely, with the aim to break the filterbubblorna. It is not driven by commercial interests, democracy is our mission for more than 100 years.

the way calls and meetings daily ”on the buses, at work and in the thousands of associations in which people, often with completely different views, come together and solve a common task.” The compounds consist to large parts of adult education. With Sverigepratar.see, we create a folkbildningsrum online. It is our motive.

Sverigepratar.see is not a megaphone for the extreme, as the Brit Stakston suggest. The purpose of the Sverigepratar.to see is to create a completely different dynamic than Twitter’s and Facebook’s åsiktsteatrar. The chats on the platform is anonymous and is always 1:1, which means that there is no audience watching. Then get the call and the content of the focus, instead of the snappy comments and the bullying.

Today’s social media enhances the like prejudices. Instead of creating meetings between oliksinnade so we end up in the echo chamber with like-minded people, where our own views are reinforced and radicalized. It is a global phenomenon that requires solutions across national borders.

Sverigepratar.see that, along with the ten other european countries, to develop a common platform for the EUROPEAN elections. On Talking Europe, the Swedish users will be able to talk with the Portuguese, the british, or the Dutch in the same app, thanks to liveöversättning.

We hope that the Brit Stakston examining the platform itself. Just as she writes: ”the Call is not in the theatre. Calls is the desire to meet and listen.” It does not mean that normalize extreme views.

Read more: the Contemporary era is characterized by an over-reliance on the calls by right-wing extremists

Read more: … want to try to understand – not ”normalize” the extreme opinions