“No, no child should have to sleep out in the christmas”

“Debater: Only in Malmö is 1 347 homeless children”

“This is an opinion piece. It is the writer who stands for the views that are put forward in the text, not Against.”

“the DEBATE. It is cold in Malmö, especially for those who are outside. Together, we must ensure that no one need be homeless and alone this christmas, or any other time of the year!”

“Homelessness in Skåne is increasing. Only in Malmö says the official statistics, more than 3 300 people living in homelessness. 1 347 of them children, an increase of 26 per cent from last year. Nevertheless, the figures are only an indication. In the local statistics are included neither in the EU-migrants, the undocumented, or the many people who live in övergångslägenheter or inherent in the cramped apartments. “

“Homelessness rarely see out as we expect. It may be about to move from sofa to sofa, to have a mattress in a corner with a friend and fight hard to pass the school despite the lack of study environment. Many believe that only those who suffer from mental illness or drug abuse are at risk to become homeless. But, on the contrary, it is the structural homelessness is on the increase, which is about the poverty and lack of housing. “

“A worrying development is that more and more children lack a permanent home, warm clothes and other things that are necessary in everyday life. Was the fourth child in the Malmö living in poverty. “

“A clear majority of the families that are homeless do not need support with anything other than a private residence. The children in these families would then be able to get a safe and orderly life if the family just got a place to call home. The reasons for the structural homelessness is therefore mainly the housing shortage and poverty, but also to many people find it difficult to get work and a context in Sweden. “

“We see that the municipalities in the lower level provides the necessary support. Skåne Stadsmission has worked in over one hundred years to prevent the distress and alleviate suffering. We see a change in those who need our support. “

“It involves a group of pensioners who have it pinched. They come to our Cafe David to get in a meal. It’s about families where the siblings get to share winter clothes, for families evicted from their homes despite the zero tolerance on evictions of children. It is about young people who did not succeed in establishing themselves in the labour market and get stuck in the long-term welfare dependency ochu002Feller mental illness.”

“Almost 6 out of 10 of those seeking help from the Swedish Stadsmissioner are people living on the financial assistance but still do not manage themselves. So, it should not be! We want politicians at all levels, in preparation for the new year – how filled it is by the political instability and the uncertainty resolves itself to:”

“No one should have to celebrate the feasts of the lord in solitude, no one should be forced to sleep outside and all children should have a place to call home. During the christmas season and all the other days of the year! “

“nMarie Hendra, acting Director of Skåne Stadsmission”

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