“Nördarnas web became everyone’s – what comes now?”
“the First web page loaded up just the 6 of april 28 years ago – and many shook their head at the nördarnas enthusiasm. The question is what we scoff at today which will reverse the up and down of our lives for 25 years.”
“indeed, It was precisely on april 6, 1991 as the very first website was uploaded, in August of the same year, became the first site available to the public. But, then, consisted not in the connected public of more than a few enthusiasts.”
“The world wide web was not very much to cheer for in the beginning. Slow, ugly and scary – only to get up a single picture could take several minutes. Many, perhaps most, ordinary people, staring klentroget on the screens – ”
“But what’s in the day, that we may chuckles over, but that can transform our entire world in the same way as the web?”
“Anna Brunström, professor of computer science at Karlstad university in sweden, believe that there are several different news related to the digitisation, automation and artificial intelligence that will flip up and down on our world in the future.”
” When the web came they were a special event, but now it’s probably the speed of communication integrated into different things, linked to the artificial intelligence that will constitute change. It allows for completely new things, ” she says.”
“the Web is increasingly hidden,”
“Then, for more than 25 years ago, it was the right few who could say that they used the web. But it’s the same now, though for other reasons, says Anna Brunström.”
“– Now it says not to use the internet. Fixed-we do all the time, for the technology is in everything we do. The technology is integrated, but in the beginning it was visible.”
“So it will continue, she believes, and it will only become even more”
“– It’s about the interface, perhaps we can control the technology with your voice, or with an implant that we control with our thoughts.”
“the Reality are blurred”
“Our reality can change too, she thinks – maybe we will not be able to distinguish between what we see and experience”
“– As it is now, we see the where the screen ends and reality begins, but maybe it will not be in the future. It will probably be wiped out.”
“the Internet was also very stable – there was no question of carrying around something that was connected, as in the day.”
“Brunström notes that the development has been purely incredible fast in the last 25 years.”
“– It is difficult to know where it is going. And it will only become even more difficult in 25 years, for the development to go even faster in the future.”
“– Such news as the artificial intelligence often comes in two waves. It was hot when I read computer science at university in the 90s, but it became a bit quiet about it. The second wave is coming now, when the technology caught up.”
“But the new technology is not entirely risk-free,” she points out.”
“– It comes to handle it in the right way, ” says Brunström and aimed at demokratirisker and dangers associated with the technology used in the wrong order.”
“Tim Berners-Lee is considered by many to be the founder of the world wide web. 30 years ago, on 12 march 1989, he formulated his vision in a document. The 6 april saw the first website is uploaded. But then it was not available to the public, it became the first in August of the year.”
“But Tim Berners-Lee is disappointed in the development. The web, he believes, has created opportunities, provided a voice for marginalized groups and facilitated our lives, but at the same time made it easier to commit cyber crimes and spread hatred.”