“Not our fault that our children are hemmasittare”

“the Debaters: To put the blame on the parents is devastating.”

“This is an opinion piece. It is the writer who stands for the views that are put forward in the text, not Against.”

“the DEBATE. There is a long-lasting notion that the parents of children and young people who did not go to school, the so-called hemmasittarna, have psychosocial problems and that the parents, in turn, influence their children not to appreciate the school and encourages truancy and skolfrånvaro. “

“Expert, Martin Karlberg, acknowledged that the boy who stayed at home, but ended with, parents must ensure that their children ”bite together” and go to school. “

“The setting can often have devastating consequences in the form of orosanmälningar about the lack of föräldraförmåga to social services, the action programme that is based on motivation and habituation and pure penalties that impose fines and coercive measures according to LVU.”

“It is parallel a debate on the argumentative, impossible parents who okynnesanmäler teachers when their little offspring may not be A on the fysikprovet. “

“there are parents with social problems, we deny not. Not that there are parents who have unrealistic demands on the school. “

“But these two tracks have a common sting against families who are struggling themselves sick in order to induce their children to cope with school. A school that too often do not have the interest, skills or resources to offer a school for children with cognitive, executive, or intellectual difficulties which, nonetheless, forced there because of compulsory schooling.”

“A review of the past year’s research clearly shows that those who are affected by problematic skolfrånvaro in the very extent of neuropsychiatric disability (npf) as autism, adhd and dyslexia, and not getting the right support and adjustments in the school. “

“The understanding is basic. Similarly, a good relationship to the parents, because the way back takes a long time and requires a close interaction between home and school.”

“We are a föräldranätverk to the children with the npf, a group that is systematically disadvantaged and discriminated against in school. We are seen as both the cause of our children’s hemmasittande and responsible for the solution. “

“It raljeras of our requirements in a school that is not making our children suicidal, and our children are portrayed as troublemakers. In fact, both we and our children gritted their teeth and tried for so long that the whole family to end the risk to go broke in the burnout and exhaustion. “

“When schools do not have npf-competence and children with special needs are discriminated against seeking parents for new schools. There are a plethora of stand-alone resursskolor that market themselves with the specializes in hemmasittare. “

“here is often a notion that it is the parents who need support in their parental role rather than the schools that need to have npf-skills. These skolplaceringarna costs the municipalities a lot of money. “

“We, as parents, are tired of being skuldbelagda and inkompetensförklarade of those who call themselves experts. “

“nJiang MillingtonnAnnelie KarlssonnFöräldranätverket Children in Need Hemmasittaren#vibiterinteihop”

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