woman toe, you still have confidence in the traditional policy?
of Course! It’s all good, even and especially in Germany. The institutions, the parties, the rule of law are intact. There is nothing to be running from the rudder. The more bizarre the politics of contempt, the turn away from the System.

how did that anger?
We are experiencing an unwelcome resurgence of xenophobia, a strategic Exceeded the linguistic boundaries. It always goes exactly as far as it allows the taboo. Has accustomed the Public to the word “asylum tourism”, the “bird shit”, the minds beating faster. I thought to myself a few times, I have to start a call, but I kept my feet still.

That often ends in a bearing dispute: the Left against the Right. The Essay, the call, the Petition will lead not to the people from the right-wing populism to turn away. Just think of the writer Uwe Tellkamp, who embarrassed himself during a discussion in Dresden with the wrong Figures on immigration, which may come from Pegida. The Outcry then was was defamatory, and the consequence is, that the rights of intellectuals signed the “Declaration by 2018”, was the beginning of a further radicalisation.

Is it the social media that gets upset faster and faster, about all of this?
. The AfD is a party of influence also measure who has the biggest reach on Facebook. The social media are not Tools, but the spine of the party. Therefore, you will authorize even more radical, and the politician who has something to say, will be Höcke Björn. The man is now famous. As he appeared at the book fair, locked up hundreds of police, his reading, and it was as if Michael Jackson were to come.

extra-parliamentary movements are a phenomenon. The means of democratic parliamentarism in order to change something?
It is the normal sexiness of a party is not enough. The impression is: the parties, the voters run away, so we make now a movement. This is faster, more flexible, conforms to the modern lifestyle better than the resistance and sluggishness of a party. You just must not forget that movements of this kind are complementary to the policy of the party, perhaps, but surely can’t replace.

If you abkackt, such as the SPD, the freedom. You might think really new and innovative.

whatever happened to the good old middle?
what we treat as a counter-position to the right, not the left, in the middle. The center is quiet, as long as all to some extent to be running, you will not see with posters on the corner. But if you believe, it is something threatens radically, then you have a few hundred thousand people who want to defend something. So as recently in Berlin, as a quarter of a million people went for basic rights and democracy on the street. This is great. In such accumulation no longer has stirred the social middle will probably, since it went to the decision whether Germany should participate in the Gulf war.

And what will be the impact of the withdrawal of Angela Merkel?
I would not overrate the approaching end of Merkel’s time as an active politician. Merkel has ruled in some ways good, especially your leadership style was a new and salutary for the political scene. But we can also without a mom. Also, the departure of a politician is a normal democratic process.

is Missing, it is up to the advanced camp, perhaps to utopias?
If you abkackt, such as the SPD, the freedom. You might think really new and innovative. What do you mean “left” in the 21st century. Century? Then, if nobody joins, that is sad. But still sad not to try it once.

social democracy is everywhere in Europe is in decline. Because the left is his fight against the great injustice is today, but every minority in their identity seriously.
Yes, the Shift to the Left on the politics of identity has much fragmented. But above all, the social democracy has failed to define after the end of the industrial society, the working class. It is not so, that we have in the digital society, not the disadvantaged group. But as a freelance hairdresser, a nurse, or a perpetual volunteer, one does not feel addressed by the term of the worker. This work is the topic of the future. It is not in the digital world is enough for all, at the same time, the need for activities such as nursing and childcare, which are not appropriately on the rise. These factors, one must bring together, and you have a model for the next hundred years. But something is not envisaged by the social-democratic times, on the contrary, as soon as someone takes a word like “basic income” in the mouth, the race of all the screaming.

her book, “new year” is about a set of parents that are on an equal footing, but it fails. The man has panic attacks, the woman prefers it to any other. Our society is not ready for modern role models?
If there is no model to guide you, if you are the First to try something – then you come to a border. Because you have to think about every fucking day, who earns the money, who brings the children to the doctor, which is a complete Bargain. I don’t think is characteristic of our time, we are just stuck politically in a crisis of identity, but also in the sexes. Religion can be manzipieren way, the Patriarchal father as well, but if the family composition, gender identity, the most intimate things need to be re-thought, it goes to the canned.

The Greek crisis affecting the chancellorship of Angela Merkel with the Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras. Photo: Keystone

Of social change, say historians, of the Intellectuals and politicians, but of those, the worry in Private that you share the house work, on an equal footing lives.
Yes, there is the unconscious political Act. At the end of the way, perhaps, as a man and a woman make their private life, the larger a change than those who start a Petition or a collection of movement.

you have been living for ten years in the country, in a village in Eastern Germany. Is there become life since the refugee crisis different?
For me, not because the people in my presence a particular language behavior and take into consideration. I know of friends from other villages, the open-heartedness of the Comment on xenophobia by a factor of 10 000 multiplied. No matter what the Situation, it’s enough that you can sit in the cafe and a woman with a headscarf passes by. This is hard, because you would be obliged by his moral sense, to break a stark dispute from the fence. But that goes to the village everyday, Yes, not always, you have to live together.

grooves running between the left and right, but between the city and the country. You see?
out Here parents say to their children: “stop crying, otherwise, you’ll get it for you.” There are still a few decades behind in the development of certain values. On the other hand, the enormous advantages it has. In the village you know what is the meaning of helpfulness and loyalty. The bonds between people are strong, one is interested so much for the state and its policy. There is little news to be consumed, and many use no Internet.

Has exacerbated this gap?
When I moved here, there wasn’t even Internet. Because of what happened. But at the same time seeing eye is allowed, such as infrastructure turns out to be Nothing. It’s no wonder that the people of the policy to turn away, when the last regional train is deleted, the last doctor leaves the practice and the last pharmacy to close. This will be the redefinition of the work of one of the major issues of the next decades. It can’t be that in one of the richest countries in the world on the country, no school buses.

they were known as a militant intellectual, were much in talk shows. Last but it has been quiet around you, why is that?
For my topics of civil rights and digitisation, no one is interested at the moment. I can only hope that the people depends on the topic of “refugees” ever get tired of.

you yourself will soon have a different stage – you were elected a judge for the constitutional court of Brandenburg.
I am looking forward to very much. Not only because I’m a lawyer and it was my dream, you know, to work as a judge, to me the writing. But also, because of the small constitutional courts are key institutions. When you need to decide on complaints to the right parties, with the aim of the work in the parliaments to stop. This is a beautiful opportunity to serve the country, without party-political active.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 18.01.2019, 10:46 PM