the Savings on DR may more and more be felt. Several programs closes and turns off both on tv and on the radio. Today it is the turn to Radiosporten, Sunday at 18.03 posting for the very last time.

On Twitter bemoaning the DRs sportskommentator Henrik Liniger closure of the daily small news updates from the world of sport.

‘A chapter in the Danish radio story ends today, when we for the last time send sportsnyhedsudsendelser on P3 and P4, he writes, among other things.

He calls it completely wrong, that the DR no longer has to serve the listeners with sports news, but at the same time acknowledging that it is the management’s task and responsibility to lead the politically decided savings in life.

‘I think it is absolutely wrong to shut down the sports news on DANISH Radio. But have respect for the political and managerial decision that lies behind’, writes Henrik Liniger.

It has also been a heavy decision to close Radiosporten, recognizing Anders Kern Boje, who is vice president with responsibility for sport in the DR News.

– It is sad. No think it is fun to save, but it is politically decided, that we should, he says to Ekstra Bladet.

He justifies the closure of the daily news that the danes ‘ daily lives will become more and more digital.

– Why will people find their sports news. So when we had to save a place, it was there, says Anders Kern Boje.

at The top responsible for the DR Sport stresses that there will continue to be sent ‘League’ on P3 in 2019. Here you will listen almost daily sportsunderholdning ‘with the biggest and most spectacular events from the world of sport’, as it says on the program’s website.

It is Arnela Muminović, who reads the last chapter up in the Radiosportens history. It happens on the P4 at 18.03.

Danish well-known – 11. oct. 2018 – at. 10:29 DR-icon fired after 34 years: – I have tried it, there are worse
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