Friday was the ongoing conflict between the NRK and the Norwegian film – and tv-industry floodlit, and the fronts are proving to be very steep. Forbundsleder in English filmforbund (NFF), Sverre Pedersen, came with a sjokkbeskjed to members and industry: – Boycott NRK.

– We will encourage members to not to take missions for the Norwegian broadcasting corporation before it comes to a political clarification, ” said Pedersen, who want the country’s kulturpolitikere come on the pitch to sort it out.

Here you can read all about why the NFF asking the industry boycott the NRK.

Manager with the information to the film industry: – Boycott NRK – Nonsense

Saturday afternoon turns dramasjef in NRK, Ivar Køhn, back against Pedersen.

– It is nonsense that this is a conflict of “equal pay for equal work” or distortion of competition. This is about principles, ” says Køhn to the Newspaper and continues:

– Who is going to manage the created by film and TV? Is it the employer or the trade union? NRK believes that the manufacturer and employer must have this right, and that filmforbundets attitude is across all common practice in Norway.

the Parties negotiated throughout the fall of 2018, until the process broke down in December. Besides the disagreement about the tarifflønn according to the industry standard, is the core of the quarrel disagreement about who will own the copyrights to the series for NRK stock internally, as “Heimebane” and “Shame”: Fagforeningens own body, Filmforbundets Organization for Rettighetsforvaltning (FOR), or NRK.

– Sauses together

Køhn stipulates that NRK believes that trade unions and organisations engaged in collective management of copyright, such as Norwaco (including writers, directors, actors, journ.anm.) and Tono (musicians), “is good and important”.

” It is sensible with collective management, but it is when the union and management sauses together in a soup such motion picture association of america has developed the last few years that it is fundamentally different. This is a not a view we in any way alone, either in Norway or in the Nordic countries, and it is natural that it is the NRK as a great allmennkringkaster as the need to promote this, ” says Køhn, and allude to that the NFF owns and operates its own rettighetsforvaltning.

NRK changed stillingstekst after shut up: “Outrageous”, “insane”, “tragic” – Equal pay for equal work

Pedersen in the Norwegian filmforbund think on his page that NRK requires special treatment compared with the rest of the industry, which have accepted both tarifflønn and the Nff claims to the ownership of rights.

– Equal pay for equal work, and equal remuneration, is our argument, whether it is an internal or external production. This has DR and SVT had that principle in all the years, but NRK requires special treatment, said Pedersen to the daily newspaper Dagbladet yesterday.

Pedersen went very hard out and called the practice to see competition and accusing them of fagforeningsknusing. Hired produksjonsmannskap in NRK must say from the copyright against a enkeltsum, and thus they say an “annual” vederlagsutbetaling according to lineærvisninger and streaming. It means that NRK owns all rights to the works that are created internally.

The employees have to say from themselves the rights to the material to the eternal time, and thus break the statute in their own trade unions in order to get a job. It is very rough and serious. NRK is in a distinctive position should be exemplary, but forces the employees to go against their own association, stated Pedersen.

Switch the alarm on NRK-sentence