Mr. Swiss, you have just handed over in Bern, the Petition to “Save the pavement” to the traffic Department of Simonetta Sommaruga on a sidewalk?
We were able to hand over 4505 signatures. For Delivery, we have chosen an exemplary Situation in front of the Bundeshaus West. The pavement is wide enough. The Cyclists is on a wide cycle lanes.

So exemplary, but it’s not everywhere and, therefore, the Petition. Where is the Problem?
The pavement is reserved for pedestrians. So it is in the road traffic act. However, the Federal Council may authorise exceptions to this rule, for example, it is possible to carry bicycles, exceptionally, on the pavement. These exceptions were excessive. So, too, the injustice of consciousness has decreased the cyclists. The more bicycles at certain locations on the pavement will be directed, the more cyclists will feel at the end of the law, also in other Places of the road on the pavement to Dodge.

How it looks with the E-Trottinetten?
E-Trottinette belong to that category of vehicles, in which there is no universally understood rules, where they are allowed to drive. The E-scooter is currently provided to the Velo. This means that It is not allowed to ride on the sidewalk, unless an exception applies. But the users don’t care. This was to be expected, but the Federal Council has seen prior to the introduction of the E-Trottinette no need for action and the appropriate procedural requests be rejected.

Are E-Trottinette the biggest Evil on the pavement?
no. The E-scooter is only in a few cities where they are offered for rental, is problematic. The whole of Switzerland, these vehicles are not the main problem. It is, rather, a basic attitude. More and more vehicles plying on the pavement. The approval practice for new Companion has been granted very liberal, the Director of the Astra to this practice, benevolent – all of the pedestrian at the expense.

this is Why the Petition?
The crucial factor was a new regulation, which is currently in the consultation process. According to children and young people should be allowed to re-ride up to 12 with the bike legally on the sidewalk. We are against it and have placed the signatures now print.

What’s wrong with this?
Previously, children were allowed to drive up to the compulsory education, with the bike on the pavement. With the introduction of the basic stage of compulsory education is 4 years. The Federal Council had to set a new concrete age limit: He has opted for 12 years. “Walking Switzerland”, considered that an age limit of 8 years as acceptable.

8 or 12, where is the difference?
at the age of 8 a child is actually a child of the stature, the manner of driving is still unsafe. 12 however, children are closer to the adult, on the one hand, of the stature, but also of the manner of driving. You are quickly on the go. For pedestrians this can be dangerous. And the sight sends a wrong message to actually adults, If I feel the road is unsafe, then I have just the sidewalk.

“bikes belong away from the sidewalk, on the street. The population has voted in the referendum on the bike paths in September 2018 for good Veloverbindungen and not for the bad mixing solutions.”Thomas Schweizer, Director of “Walking Switzerland”

But there are also a shared bike and foot paths.
Yes, there is. To signal the sidewalks as joint Bicycle and foot paths, but is illegal, as here, the obligation to use applies – also for E-Bikes. This shows a legal opinion that was commissioned by the city of Zurich. The result: bikes may only be used exceptionally, headed on the pavement, and only with the signaling addition of the “bicycles allowed”. No obligation to Use. The bikes may, but need not ride on the sidewalk. The city of Zurich has taken the legal opinion for the note and vowed to improve.

are, However, separated cycle paths on the pavement okay?
bike paths are not sidewalks. If cycle lanes are managed separately and the remainder of the sidewalk is wide enough – and this is often not the case, then the viable solutions are. Also, Pro Velo, it is not good if Cyclists have to ride between pedestrians Slalom. Bikes belong away from the sidewalk, on the street. The population has voted in the referendum on the bike paths in September 2018 for good Veloverbindungen and not for the bad mixing solutions.

But not on the roads often enough space for the bikes. Where are you from?
Yes, the roads are often too narrow to have cycle lanes mark. Here, the pace 30 is a Central solution approach. Differences in speed between car and Bicycle traffic are dangerous. The reduction of the speed increases the security. If you want to encourage foot and Bicycle traffic, you have to split up to question the Status quo and the road space.

bikes on the road. Seniors with a Walker soon need a private strip? What is with people in wheelchairs or other vehicles, you need due to a limitation?
These people are allowed to move, of course, on the pavement, without separate strips. Motorized walking AIDS to stay people, who are dependent on such. The use of motorized vehicles by people who are just Going to be lazy to, or for the pleasure of making new developments thoughtlessly pavements operate, must be prevented. The E-scooter does not need it.

this Is not a paternalism of the citizen, what he is allowed to have Fun and what is not?
Where there are fun vehicles need to be set up fun parks, for example, there are already go-kart tracks, Pump tracks, skate parks and so on. Funfahrzeuge belong there and not right on the sidewalk. Of older people, we no longer hear, that you dare out of the house. You have the fear of being run over – on the pavement. You should therefore carry out a balancing of interests: the desire to put on a fun vehicle versus mobility and social participation of older people. The demographic change in the back of this issue increasingly to the consciousness.

what is your ideal solution? What needs to happen?
We need to push the increasing exceptions on the sidewalk in a tie. The regulation revision, children are allowed to drive up to 12 on the pavement Velo, must not be put into effect. Generally speaking, the Federal Council has more work to deal with it, what vehicles are where and with what rules allowed. A Motion by national councillor Thomas Hardegger requires: Fast E-Bikes are to be assigned to the category of Small motorcycles. The Veloinfrastruktur is simply not made for bicycles, the drive 45 km/h, and the mixture of fast E-Bikes and pedestrians is in any case incompatible.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 17.01.2019, 17:49 PM