“On Johannesbergs castle, it was actually the life.”

“the Conflict in Yemen has created the world’s worst catastrophe”

“Aftonbladet’s leader board is the independent social democrat.”

“those who follow american politics too closely these days could easily get the impression that the world circulates around Annie Lööf mood, Stefan Löfvens disappointment or Ulf Kristerssons outrage.”

“It is – fortunately – wrong. The world continues to spin, despite the crisis in Swedish politics.”

“On the Johannesbergs castle, barely six miles north of the parliament building, it has possibly created history in the last week. During the eight days, the parties have, in the relentless civil war in Yemen for the first time sat at the same table and talked about the possibility of peace.”

“Sweden’s foreign minister Margot Wallström has been on the site. The UN special mediator britten Martin Griffiths as well. Finally joined the UN, the secretary-general António Guterres talks in Roslagen.”

“the Expectations were frankly not very high when the negotiations started, but the needs of the progress, the greater. Save the Children reports that 85 000 children have starving to death during the almost four years that the fighting lasted. Countless civilians, mostly women and children, have been killed by the bombs and the bullets and the conflict now threatens to create a famine of half the yemeni population.”

“It happens at the bottom of the arabian peninsula is one of the worst humanitarian disasters in the world right now.”

“the peace talks give hope”

“Precisely why does yesterday’s news from Johansenbergs castle so much. Fångutväxling, resumed the export of oil and gas and a cease-fire around the port city of al-Hudaydah does not mean that the war in Yemen is over. But it hopefully means that the humanitarian situation may be somewhat less acute. And it gives hope that peace talks can continue.”

“That barbarity has got to go so far depends on the regional powers – Iran and in particular Saudi arabia – cynical behaviour. Now have the governments in Riyadh and Tehran to show that they can take the responsibility and to the peace process which started in Sweden can continue on the ground in Yemen.”