“One of the world partiledarjobb”

“the Liberals’ Mats Persson now says clearly no to take over the leadership after the Jan Björklund of the Liberal party, writes Aftonbladet. Instead advocate he Nyamko Sabuni.”

“I do not feel that victory is compatible with a modern family life,” says Persson to Aftonbladet.”

“Mats Persson was until recently economic-policy spokesperson for the party, but left the entry for the second mission in the party. He was critical of the Liberals ‘ intergovernmental cooperation with the social democrats and took an official position against Jan Björklund and to unleash the Ulf Kristersson (M) minister.”

“Persson and now gives his support to ms Nyamko Sabuni, former minister for equality and integration minister Fredrik reinfeldt’s government. She lacks in the day riksdagsplats but according to Persson, there may be an advantage to the party select someone from outside.”

“– given the conflict we have had, there is no disadvantage. I also feel that she has a strong support among the members, ” says Persson to Aftonbladet.”

“Sabuni says to the magazine that she is interested, but want to wait with a vengeance if she is a candidate.”

“– I’m interested, I think I have shown, but it also needs to be support. I’m waiting out the process that the nominating committee keeps in. Sometime in the beginning of april, I expect that the committee got a clear picture, ” she says.”