“Ordinary people must get control Venezuela’s destiny”

“Aftonbladet’s leader board is the independent social democrat.”

“the Free choice is the only way forward.”

“The next few days will be crucial for the fragmented and tormented Venezuela. The only thing we really need to be able to rule out is a return to everyday life.”

“Everyday life in the country has been excruciating. Then oil prices fell in 2014, the economy has collapsed. The country cannot pay for its imports, the currency has fallen like a stone, and three million people have simply left Venezuela in the last five years.”

“Moreover, the country is divided. Elections last year ended with a new mandate for president Maduro. The presidential election was boycotted, however, by the opposition and have been criticised by international observers.”

“Declared himself president”

“the Opposition has a majority in the parliament elected in 2015. Since 2017, however, the government, in practice, taken over legislative powers. It was parliament’s president, Juan Guaidó, during yesterday’s demonstrations, proclaimed himself acting president, and it is he who now backed up the White house and many of Venezuela’s neighbouring countries. Likely the house today to try to confirm Guaidós appointment.”

“Venezuela’s political future should of course not be decided in Washington, or even by the demonstrators on the streets of Caracas. But it can not be determined by the military’s loyalty with an increasingly totalitarian regime.”

“The grass-roots anger in Venezuela is real, the question is whether it will be able to democratize the country.”

“the EU’s utrikeschef Fedrica Mogherini requires that parliamentarians civil rights, freedom, and security are respected. She also notes that the demonstrators ‘ demands for change can not be ignored. The Swedish foreign minister Margot Wallström supports the EU’s call for free elections.”

“The reasonable solution to the political problem of course is that as soon as possible to plan for an election in which all political forces have the opportunity to participate on equal terms. To achieve this without further violence will be difficult enough.”

“To solve the country’s economic and social problems will become even much more difficult, and take much longer. Yet it is exactly what it needs to in order to secure democracy in Venezuela.”