you describe in your book, “body and soul”, as they are in a emotional supercooled Catholic parents grew up and tried to be invisible and not to disturb, even as a Relative abused you. Were at that time created the conditions for the subsequent work as a prostitute?
in my experience there is for Prostitution three basic conditions: one is the material aspect, is usually a massive need of money; then the story; it can be sexual violence experience in Childhood, but also emotional neglect or attachment disorders; and the third factor the present system, for example, a Partner who demands the Prostitution, or at least not be prevented from occurring. The woman who prostituted themselves just for the pleasure and whim, is not it. This is a myth. Today, many women sacrifice themselves for your present system. They do not sell their bodies, their children or their families starve to death in another country. This is a humanitarian disaster.

What gave you the rash?
for me all three conditions came together. By the early abuse experiences, I had learned my physical and emotional Experience to switch off and to formalize my body function. In addition, I had developed a very keen sense of what to my To – to be able to hazards to assess. This understanding is the basis for working as a prostitute. The prostitute is fully to the needs of society, embodies the swashbuckling seductress, at other times, the Shy, wants to be conquered. For this adaptation of art, for this spectacle, you will receive your money. The more perfect you are staged, the more money you can demand.

write in the book: “men make prostitutes”. Therefore, it is important to also understand the Plight of the men better. What does this all mean?
A man, of his own male white Dignity and the Dignity of the woman will not have Sex in exchange for money. Many men suffer from it, with your Wishes and fantasies in a loving relationship do not share. Some of them feel rejected in their desire to be alone with your longing. If you then go to a prostitute, or watch porn, your Searching, your longing misguided. You will find no fulfillment, but fall into the spiral of arousal and engine collection, calls for ever-stronger Stimuli, and at the same time heartless and impersonal remains. The high dose of heartless Sex brings the defect to Disappear, but it also enhances the search and making it increasingly difficult to meet the Opposite on the heart level.

How do you work with couples where this encounter is difficult?
If both resist the temptation, and their needs to outsource, then this is reflected directly in the relationship. It is important that both trust that the contact breaks off; that the other to open the can with a Difficult, also with the show what the Partner is unable to meet, or want to. This requires honesty to himself and his Opposite, a high degree of interpersonal skills, self-regulation ability, and compassion. In short: courage and love.

“I have great respect for our ability to love.”

Is a hindrance to this communication in the relationship by the at any time easy on your Smartphone contact us and Sexangebote?
It is a conscious decision, whether we engage in a real and deep encounter or exchangeable Dates, respectively, of Sex only want to consume. What we focus our attention to, we strengthen. We focus on the surface and looking for uncomplicated “Sex to go” or Sexersatz, the sexual Experience is always superficial. Who consumed a lot of porn, you will not experience the sexuality with your Partner as soon as tedious and unexciting. We want to experience ourselves, but, holistically, to be seen, then we do well to turn our attention in the sexual encounter on our Heart and the deep, deep encounter. It is crucial that we remain open, in the perception of their own needs and in our ability to.

you said that Prostitution is “under no circumstances”, and am one abolished. This is not unrealistic in view of the fact that Prostitution in Europe since at least the 6. Century existed before Christ?
Also, the abolition of slavery was long unthinkable. Then some States have started this. It was a long process, the social consensus has changed gradually. The Same thing we should strive for Prostitution. And even if Prostitution was once supposed to let dwell do not prevent, we have a duty to us to understand how infinitely much suffering, shame, and violence it is connected.

How they managed after two years of the phase-out?
The first step was achieved through a love encounter. I was arrived at the bottom, despised by the world, the men, myself. And experienced in this Moment, which power can have an encounter in love. I felt aliveness and decided to never take money for Sex. This meeting was like an Initiation, she has connected me again with my female attention. Today, I can say that I have learned through the pain, to understand yourself and life deeper. Through my experience and through the many years of my psychotherapeutic work, I have learned a lot about love. I have great respect for our ability to love, and I am grateful that I can help people to find their own truth.

click Here for part 1 of the interview.

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The book: Anna Schreiber: addiction, body, soul. Taotime-Verlag, Boniswil 2019. 240 P., 27.90 Fr.

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Created: 01.11.2019, 12:08 PM