“The fight for språkrörsposten in the northern mariana islands”

“Per Bolund want to take over after Fridolin”

“a Candidate for the mouthpiece for the green Party”

“It has been speculated for some time that Per Bolund could be the next spokesperson for the green Party. But he himself has not wanted to respond.”

“Now he opens, however, to be a candidate to take over after Fridolin, in an interview with the DN.”

“– I listen to Greta Thunberg when she says all of the adults that it is time to take responsibility, ” he says to the newspaper.”

“It is in an interview with Today’s News that the financial markets and housing minister Per Bolund open to run for språkrörsposten after Gustav Fridolin.”

“Bolund declined to be a candidate in 2016, but now is on the train he explains to himself that he thought that the time was wrong.”

“– It was a new location for our party. We sat in the government for the first time since we were formed in 1981 and it was a lot of turbulence in the party. I thought that it was the best thing for the party to change direction. It did that I didn’t think there was a reason to challenge or question the Gustav without the party most benefited by to get some security and stability, ” he says to DN.”

“Helldén one of the favourites”

“Språkrörsvalet is determined at the congress in may and the nomination committee shall complete its proposal in march. “

“It has long been seen as a given that Per Bolund will be one of the hottest names to take over as the mouthpiece, among the representatives within the green Party. The other name that is talked about is Daniel Helldén, trafikborgarråd in Stockholm, Jakop Dalunde, EU parliamentarians, and Lorentz Tovatt, member of parliament. But also Peter Eriksson, minister of development cooperation, and former spokesperson, has sometimes been mentioned.”

“In november, found 31 per cent of the MP-voters to Bolund should succeed Fridolin, according to a survey from the Aftonbladetu002FInizio. In second place was Carl Schlyter, with 15 per cent. He has now left the party.n”

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