The Seminar, guiding you as a drought-Matt-Professor at the University of Bern, is coming to an end. It was a waste of time?
If it was a waste of time, then, in the best sense. What I wanted to bring over, is not easy to explain. I’m not a natural-born teacher, but if the students have understood at the end of that artistic work other than what you normally do at Uni, then I have achieved my goal. If someone wants to go further on this path, he or she will naturally have a lot to do, but I’ve got, it’s part of the profession.

you once said that a good lecturer make students to see the world differently. Or in this case, the phenomenon of time. Have you as a lecturer?
it is always hard to tell. Sometimes it is a single statement in half a year, and you remember sometime later. The phrase that is to me perhaps the most important, comes from an American artist who said you should make in the art of nothing, but something to discover. This applies in many areas. But Learning means, among other things, the lecturer oppose them, the opposite of the try what he has said, and fall on the nose. The best teacher is always the life.

In the Seminar, have students feedback on a joint visit to the theater. You have the evening “man without qualities” by Robert Musil’s 1700 – page novel at the Stadttheater Bern as entertaining in your memory?
I don’t like to sit for four hours in the Theater, I’m an impatient person. But the evening was very nice and not at all too long. I didn’t sometimes know what character is speaking, or what exactly happened, but this is not the case of this production, too. Important to stimulating texts, the game is good looking, the thoughts that stimulate your own thoughts.

The Seminar invited dramaturge spoke of the biggest challenge for an actor: the Moment passed, and let go, to discover something. If you discover anything, will also set the artistic process. Would you confirm that from the point of view of the author?
Yes, absolutely. When you start Writing, you often, you must now formulate great rates, unusual metaphors, even very clever or his message to the man or the woman. But this is not art. Presence is probably the most Important. And also honesty, especially towards oneself. Then you can also make three-word sentences art.

you have visited with your students of the Einstein house and there by a physicist, the theory of relativity to explain. Some of the students said they had failed when trying to understand this theory. How have you been?
It was much Wilder theories, the string theory and the quantum theory. But the understanding of even the most physicists not really. What I took from that visit: the concept that time is something much more Complex, as our watches show. That there is not a time, but that each and everyone has his or her time. And then there was this idea that time and space could perhaps consist of the same elements. Because I am studying now. I didn’t expect that the students discover at the end of the meeting, the world formula.

all guests from the other art divisions have been in the Seminar. Nevertheless, there Are particular insights you have, if you compare the ratio of the literature at the time with the other divisions?
Fascinating, was rather the affinities between the arts. With Peter Zumthor, I talked about the Parallels between theatre and architecture. The dancer has quoted a Bible text, with the physicist, we have discussed the texts of Augustine, and the philosopher, brought a film clip to illustrate your Thesis. Basically, it’s all the same; only the means with which we work are different. The differences are of course also interesting. Unfortunately, I had no more time to be a musician to invite.

In the Seminar have also read some stories of them. It was special, surprising reactions?
Not really. I am used to at my stories of the different reactions that you will all read different.

If you are after this Seminar, someone asks whether the artistic is superior to the approach at the time of the scientific method – how do you respond?
I don’t know if the artistic approach is superior. If you are looking for the theory of everything, then you should keep well to the physics. But if a physicist of the spirit speak of lightning, a sudden promptings, then the are also more artistic than scientific processes. Artistic approaches are less precise than scientific, but they often lead to surprising results. Intuition is a very powerful medium. And by the way, one that will probably have very little knowledge of a Computer. (The Federal government)

Created: 11.12.2018, 15:12 PM