“In the past a senior leader is arrested for a serious sex crime”

“Suspected of aggravated pimping and rape.”

“An employee of the armed Forces, which had previously been a senior leader for the police, has been detained by the police for aggravated pimping and rape.”

“the Crimes must have been committed in the Stockholm area between 2012 and 2018.”

“– He refuses to brottsmisstankarna, says the man’s lawyer Rebecka Abeditary.”

“the Man is in his 50s and has previously been a high manager who arbetslett a group that worked for the police. He is an employee of the armed Forces.”

” We have an employee at the Swedish armed Forces today arrested in. Now the process must take its course, ” says Jesper Tengroth, press officer for the Swedish armed Forces.”

“the Man was arrested and detained in Monday morning and is suspected of aggravated pimping, which shall be committed in the Stockholm area between 2013 and 2018. He is also suspected of rape in the year 2012.”

“Arrested – denies crimes”

“On Thursday morning arrested the man in a district court in Stockholm, on probable grounds suspected of aggravated pimping and rape. “

“the Man was dressed in a black t-shirt, dark brown jeans and a beige baseball cap during the häktningsförhandlingarna. “

“the Man denies the crime, said the lawyer for the newspaper Aftonbladet.”

“– in Addition to it, we can’t say anything with regard to the pre-trial, says his lawyer Rebecka Abeditary. “

“the Risk to the man removes the evidence ‘”

“the Prison sentence for aggravated pimping is a minimum of two years and a maximum of eight years. The punishment for rape is imprisonment for not less than two and not more than six years.”

“– It is the same plaintiff in all cases but I do not want to go into relationship to the victim. We have investigated the case for a few months. The man was arrested on Monday morning in his home. It is the victim itself who have registered and it is the data together with some written documentation that has led to the arrest, ” said prosecutor Daniel Suneson in a press release. “

“– Koppleriet consists in that the man has promoted and supported a business which has gone on to sell sexual services. Now, go inquiry on interviews with different people and a review of some of the seizures that have been made. “

“That häktningsgrund indicated the prosecutor that there is a risk that the suspect removing evidence or in another way hinder the investigation. The prosecutor has also requested authorization to impose restrictions.”

“the Lawyer Ulrika Borg representing the plaintiffs is the woman. “

“– There have been many and lengthy interrogations, and it is for all förhörspersoner quite grueling to go through. I think she has passed it prime and feels that she has a strong integrity and strength in yourself to deal with it, ” says Ulrika Borg to Aftonbladet.”

“the Woman was denied kontaktförbud”

“A woman applied in the summer kontaktförbud for the man, which was denied at the City district in Stockholm. The justification was that the man was not previously convicted of a crime against the woman, and the information relied upon by the applicant were not considered sufficient as a reason for kontaktförbud.”

“the armed Forces will notify the man of the Defence forces staff disciplinary board.”

“– Förbandschefen make a complaint to’s faculty accountability board and so, the board may review the case, ” says Jesper Tengroth, press officer for the Swedish armed Forces.”