From the farmer to the national tv.

Prince Joachim tries again, new sides of themselves, when he jumps out as the protagonist in a tv series, there shall appear on the DR in the fall of 2019.

‘What is it that has shaped us as a population through time, and why does it Denmark out, as it does today?’

The question has prince Joachim of denmark set out to answer in a product suite, produced by Nordisk Film and will be shown on DR K.

Prince Joachim of denmark is medtilrettelægger on the large-scale tv project, where he is also hovedfortæller.

Prince Joachim’re looking for guldgubber by jernalderbopladsen Black Mold near Svaneke on Bornholm. The small guldgubber were sacrificed to the gods. Photo: Nordisk Film Production

I have always been interested in me for the development in Denmark. How have we come to this? Whence arises the society in which we all enjoy? Who has built it, and has it all been a bed of roses? Probably not, says prince Joachim in a press release and continues:

Prince Joachim visits Missionssøstrene of the precious blood in Holte, where one of the sisters is celebrating her birthday. Photo: Nordisk Film Production

– Who are you? This is completely trivial questions could get most of us to stare blank in the air. For yes, who are we really? It has taken a fairly long kongerække to reach today, where we do things that we take for granted and that is completely natural in our daily lives.

– What I think is exciting, and I think to many have it like me. For if one does not know the past, so one is never really at one with the present. In this project I collaborate with professional tv people. It is a whole new world for me, and it is very exciting.

Filming for the series, produced by Anna von Lowzow, taking place across the country until the summer of 2019.

Konfirmationsforberedelse in Grenaa church. ‘Do you go to church every Sunday?’ ‘No, I do not. But I believe in god!,’ similar Prince Joachim with the young people. Photo: Nordisk Film Production.