“Privatization caused the crisis in our schools”

“Debater: Wrong to blame kommunaliseringen”

“This is an opinion piece. It is the writer who stands for the views that are put forward in the text, not Against.”

“the DEBATE. Kommunaliseringen of the school was not the system change as is often claimed in the skoldebatten. A new report from the think tank Arena Idea shows that the actual transition took place afterwards, when the Bildtregeringens valfrihetsreformer introduced market mechanisms in the school sector. “

“Januariavtalet stop the government’s restrictions of skolmarknaden, but it may not stop the parties’ own policy development. The social democrats ‘ congress beginning today should adopt a considerably sharper and more concrete proposals to reduce segregation and increase equivalence in school than those proposed in the congress documents.”

“In the Swedish skoldebatten is often said that kommunaliseringen, which was carried out by Göran Persson in the beginning of the 1990s, is an important explanation for many of the serious problems in the school. We believe that this is an inaccurate perception that has made the politicians are looking in the wrong direction for solutions. “

“In the report ”Transition – when the school went from public to private”, which is published today by the think tank Arena Idea, reviewed what happened at the kommunaliseringen and the subsequent privatisation of the school. In contrast to the socialist kommunaliseringen of the school, meant the bourgeois valfrihetsrevolutionen a real system change. In the report identified at least 14 points in the kommunaliseringen as Bildtregeringen discontinued or changed. “

“the Consequence was that the municipalities lost control over the school. Political democracy, abdicated and moved the power to the market. Fundamental democratic principles of equal treatment of all citizens, where all would have access to an education of high quality, was foiled last. “

“We think that it was marknadsbesluten – not kommunaliseringen –who changed the school system in the foundation. But not a single one of the nine school-related paragraphs in the 73-punktsavtalet between the governing parties, the Centre party and the Liberals is about the use of market mechanisms in the school sector. “

“The only point that concerns välfärdsmarknaden have been added in order to stop the government’s ambitions in this area: ”the Government will not operate or work further with the proposal if vinstförbud or other proposals with the aim to introduce vinstbegränsningar for private actors in the welfare system.” “

“But that the government is with arms back of januariavtalet in skolfrågorna may not mean that the social democrats as a party place the cover on the own policy development. On the contrary, it would be highly damaging for the party to quell the internal idédebatten – not least because public opinion against for-profit welfare and commitment against segregation and for equal school is significant in the Socialists ‘ members and voters.”

“that is Why it is alarming to marknadiseringen of the school is hardly mentioned in the documents to the social democratic party congress on 22 to 24 march, more than in passing. A party that wants to grow among progressive voters, must produce a sharper and more concrete proposals for the school. “

“Our hope is that this report’s review of the mid-1990s two major skolreformer shall constitute a knowledge-base for politicians, voters and party members who want the Swedish school will once again be a kunskapsfokuserad, inclusive, jämlikhetsskapande and democratically controlled samhällsinstitution.”

“nGerman Bender, Director of the labour market, the think tank Arena IdénSten Svensson, Detached skoldebattör. Member of the Network for an equivalent school.”

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