ARD Was led by the linguist Elisabeth Wehling astray? Daily mirror suggest information the at least. Wehlings “Berkeley International Framing institutions” has created for the channel composite in 2017, a strategy paper, in which the employees of the transmitter, formulation guides for verbal duels with critics of public broadcasting were on Hand. A total of 120 000 euros was the ARD the costs associated with paper – obviously in the assumption that a work of the American elite University of California, Berkeley ordered. To was “the beginning of the year 2017 of the MDR on the work of the cognitive scientist, Elisabeth Wehling attentive, the employees with the language, the language effect and the associated interpretation of the context of your Institute in California,” said MDR spokesman Walter Kehr the Portal “” on Wednesday.
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A fallacy, however, is: Wehling was after completing her doctorate at Berkeley while still a Postdoc at the University, said a University spokeswoman to the daily mirror, Wehlings Institute but I have no Connections with the University of California, Berkeley, she added. On the question of whether Wehlings choice of name for the Institute was not misleading, was the speaker tight-lipped. “We don’t want to comment at present”. Wehling was a specific request to the Institute went unanswered.