The smells of stemmefiskeri, when the government puts itself in the forefront of the construction of a series of new artificial islands at the Avedøres coast.

– It smacks a bit of panic before closing time, now that elections are approaching, ” notes Henrik Qvortrup, a political commentator on the Extra Magazine.

– Mon is not the government think it has seen a little too much to the west. It has probably got a little of a bad conscience, he continues, with reference to the relocation of state jobs and, in general, a strong focus on the development in the province.

– It seems like they’ve got islands on the brain. What is it of?

– There is something swung over it, isn’t it. You put some square kilometers to Denmark’s land. It is then swung over.

– They say it will be free. What is the significance?

– It would surprise me if it is completely free. I’m not an engineer, but I do not believe it is a free game.

First and foremost, and then I think, it’s all about, that it should be something that looks something. It should look grandly. There must be swung over it. And then it is a signal to the part of Denmark (metropolitan area, ed.) which may have the above been overlooked by this government, he says.

the Danish policy – 7. jan. 2019 – at. 13:14 New islands to attract companies to the capital

But now two laps artificial islands and a bridge across the Kattegat sea. It smells slightly of sorgnerådspolitik. A little primitive. Buy the danes?

– I don’t know. Politicians are vain. They would like to put memorials up. So can you build a Kattegat bridge, or some islands.

– This is all something that is characterized by the fact that we are many years in the future before we know whether it is anything other than a castle in the air.

– you Are not just an old cynic who can’t see the greatness?

– I would like to see the evidence that it is grandiose. It is great thoughts. But now you’re asking me, why they are doing it right now. There, I allow myself to note that there is a government, who needs to please some voters.

– I have been involved with Danish politics for so long that I know that it’s not just the fine visions, which operates the plant.

– we Should not be friendly and say that it is a mixture of the desire to be grandiose and Happiness Per-like and so that you want some votes, points out Henrik Qvortrup.