“For us, in Bergen it rains 400 days a year”, says Aksel and takes a SIP of beer. He laughs a laugh, a harsh Smoke, and says: “This is not exaggerated. As wet as it is anywhere else in the world.”

But, of course, exaggerates the 27-year-old ship-building mechanic. The Norwegian year is not longer than elsewhere, but the rainiest city in Europe. It’s pouring in fact, at about 250 days of the year. From October 2006 to January 2007, it rained on 89 consecutive days. “This is a record,” says Aksel, and cheers to us. The Norwegian loves his home city, even if it is, as almost always in Winter, at temperatures just above zero degrees Celsius uncomfortable clammy and moist. The average low January temperature is 0.5 degrees. Responsible for the comparatively mild climate of the city in the far North of the Gulf stream. The water he pumped into the fjords with mountains, never freezes over.

the first walk, it is striking that The Locals are well prepared for the rigors of the weather. Umbrellas, Raincoats, heavy shoes and protective hats to hide the passers-by. Entirely in plastic suits, the eight-year-old children, the walk to the funicular are covered. Sigurd Eriksen, the specialty shop for professional clothing, sold significantly more rain apparel as chef jackets, medical scrubs and work overalls.

“Eriksen is cheaper than the trendy outdoor stores, the quality is better,” says Aksel, a bearded Hipster, you might suspect he was on brands.

cruise schiffeim longest Fjord

Although it rains in the mountains often, fascinated, the second largest city in Norway. It is the starting point for excursions in the fjords, the Sognefjord, the longest (204 km) and deepest (up to 1308 meters) Fjord in Europe. The large cruise ships with up to 5000 passengers reach the rearmost Bay. Those who are not arriving by cruise liner, in the mountains, there is a range of accommodation options from the cheap and modern hostel for backpackers to luxury hotel located in the historic centre.

Culturally, the 280’000 inhabitants of the city. In early summer the International festival with over 200 concerts, operas, dance and theatre, lure demonstrations. At the end of August, the legendary Metal Festival Beyond the Gates, which owes the südnorweg of the city a very lively Black – and Death Metal-scene starts.

Also in the Winter, the Bergen Filharmoniske Orkester plays regularly in the Central Grieg hall. And in the culture mile on the small lake in the middle of the city, the code the Museum is located. A permanent exhibition is dedicated to the Norwegian Edvard Munch, the founding father of the Nordic expressionism. In one of the most important collections in the world, the Museum shows the history of the artist. On the basis of 50 works is to understand how fate shaped the artistic work of Munch.

Devastating city fires in the wooden houses in rubble

The most important attraction in Bergen is the Bryggen, a medieval quarter with colorful, pointed cusp wooden houses along the old landing bridge, once the stronghold of the powerful Hanseatic League. Devastating city fires in the wooden houses, although in ruins. But since it was rebuilt after each destruction of everything on the basis of the old plans again, back to the quarter of the visitors in the time when Bryggen was a lively trade centre. Since 1979, the piece of jewelry is on the list of Unesco world cultural heritage.

The Hanse, built in the year 1343 of the commercial establishment. Freight of dried cod from the North-East of the country, was shipped to the South. On the return trip, the Hanseatic League, such as the the Hanseatic League members called the merchants of grain as a cargo on Board, which flourished North of Bergen. German merchants and craftsmen accounted for up to a quarter of the city population. Because of the acute risk of fire in the closely-built district Heating was prohibited in all buildings.

Everywhere it smells of dried fish

How the cold feels in the Winter, you can feel the visitors to the Hanseatic Museum. The building Dating back to the year 1704 and is one of the oldest and best preserved wooden houses in the district. The floors are slate, everywhere it is believed to sniff the smell of dried fish. In one of the bunks to save themselves at any price – of the cold, but also because of the man of today does not fit anymore in the warehouse instead of yesterday.

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museums of interest to Aksel. “In school, we had to clean, very boring.” His love of the music and the beer. In the Apollo Bar are not Beers, only a dozen Norwegian Craft-and, again, so many foreign brews served, but at the same time, records sold. In the evenings, in the Apollo come to him occasionally expensive. “If I get drunk, it happens every two, three weeks, I buy a couple of vinyl discs.” A large beer costs in Norway almost as much as a record: of the 20 Swiss francs.

On the question of what we should have seen in the mountains next to the Apollo Bar, says Aksel: the view from Fløyen. The 399-Meter-high mountain can be reached with the Fløibanen funicular railway. “But you can see from up there, it would quit raining,” he says with a wink. The next Morning, the sun is shining, and the views of the city is great.

The trip was mountains, supported by Visit. (editor-in-Tamedia)

Created: 03.01.2019, 17:42 PM