“Raise the rich taxes and lowering of the common people”
“Jonas Sjöstedt in the slutreplik about the gaps in Sweden”
“This is an opinion piece. It is the writer who stands for the views that are put forward in the text, not Against.”
“SLUTREPLIK. Wallenbergsfärens maktbolag the board of directors is proposing today to increase the dividend to its shareholders. It is good for Sweden’s richest, but in the agreement that the new Löfvenregeringen made by C and L is not a shred of attempt to tax either the big bolagsvinsterna, förmögenheterna or the banks.”
“Reforms for increased equality shines, on the contrary, by its absence. This at the same time as Oxfam in its latest report shows how it harms our communities, with the richest pulls away from the rest of us. “
“ill-health increases, school performance declines, the insecurity increases. “
“We have sharp suggestions for that welfare to rely on, to make on the pension scheme of the foundation”
“There is only one party in the Swedish parliament, asserting that man can rely on when it comes to fighting for justice and equality – the Left party. We released through the government Löfven is only if that option had been worse; a pure right-wing government Åkesson ruling in the backseat. “
“the Left will do everything we can during this term, as always, in order to prevent that Sweden pulled apart. We are vågmästare in the parliament and it will be marked. We have sharp suggestions for that welfare to rely on, to make on the pension system of the foundation, for that we all should be able to afford good dental care. “
“the Left party is also the only party that wants to introduce a tax on the big förmögenheterna and we want to have a red burden, which means lower taxes for ordinary people and higher taxes for the Wallenberg shareholders. “
“We understand, unlike the Löfven-liberal government, that a society for all will not be through large tax cuts for the wealthiest.”
“nJonas Sjöstedt, party leader Left party”
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“the Article is a slutreplik. Read the full the debate here – ”