There’s a good chance that you will look good when you grow a beard. It’s also a look that you are yet to try. Despite that, you have second thoughts about it. These are the possible reasons why you feel that way.

You’re too lazy to maintain your beard

Even if you want to grow a beard, you understand that it needs to be of appropriate length for it to look good; otherwise, you will have an awful appearance. If you don’t think you’re responsible enough to grow a beard and you don’t like to spend time each day to maintain it, you need to rethink this plan.

You worry about how people will view you

You also worry that there are stereotypes about bearded men that might apply to you if you decide to grow one. Some people think of bearded men as unhygienic or too lazy to maintain their appearance. You hesitate in this regard because you care a lot about what other people have to say. If you can finally let go of people’s perception of you, it’s a lot easier for you to decide any look that you want. You won’t mind even if you receive unfair judgements. Besides, there’s also a strong chance that you will get stereotyped in a positive way. For instance, because of your appearance, you will look more respectable. People will have a more positive perception of you.

You’re not a risky person

Some people like taking risks regarding their appearance. You might not be one of them. Therefore, you go with the look that you already feel comfortable with. You got used to it and you don’t want to shake things up. If you’re not the type who will take the risk even if you know it could end well, you shouldn’t grow a beard.

Your job might not allow you

There are jobs where growing a beard isn’t allowed. You might place yourself at risk or you can contaminate the products you’re handling because of the facial hair. If this is the reason why you’re hesitating, it’s valid. Unless you can find a job that doesn’t mind your facial hair, you have to stick with your current look.

You think it’s just a trend

Some trends come and go. These days, a lot of men grow a beard and they seem happy about that decision. Therefore, you think of it as a trend that might come and go. Since you don’t want to look outdated at some point, you hesitate to grow a beard.

You need to determine how you feel about growing a beard before you decide to do it. You don’t want to risk the chance of looking better just because you’re too afraid. If your friends tell you that you would look amazing with a long beard, you can give it a try. You can also use beard products so that you can maintain the good appearance of your beard.
